Cookie Dough

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I leaned against the counter. "You're early." He turned his head towards the clock on the microwave,

"Yes," He looked at me with a straight face, "I suppose I am." He had a brown paper bag sitting next to him. It smelled really good.

"What's that?" I asked as I peered in. He pulled the bag away quickly. "Why can't I see?" I was so anxious.

"Close your eyes first." I sat down at the table and held my hands over my eyes. "No peeking!" I heard him stand up and pull something out of the bag. I looked through my fingers like I was 6 playing hide-and-seek. I still couldn't see anything but the delicious smell grew stronger. "Okay you can open".

In front of me sat an open box of 12 freshly made, crispy creme doughnuts. My mouth began to water. Niall came behind me and set a bottle of chocolate milk in front of me. He hadn't made this breakfast but I was so excited to eat it. "Tell me how they are," he said a bit nervously, "I hope I didn't over cook them." I laughed and took a big bite into one.

"This is absolutely delicious. I don't know how you did it!" He grabbed a doughnut and let it melt in his mouth.

"I don't either. They're just so good," he mumbled. I picked up another doughnut and took a bite.

"How much time did it take you to make these? It had to have taken all night."

"Ehh, when you're a pro it isn't bad." For the first time he laughed. "No, I couldn't of made these even if I wanted. And I figured it would be better if I just brought breakfast. I wouldn't want to burn your kitchen." He continued, "But I did buy cookie mix. I really want to make some cookies and I'm sure you can cook better than I could". That sounded like fun.

"Okay! I haven't made cookies in forever." I got up and got some napkins. Niall had creme all over his face; on his nose, chin and somehow on his forehead. "Do you want to make them now or wait a while?"

"We can wait a little while; you look exhausted." Great, I looked awful. I tried to laugh it off.

"Do you want to watch a movie? Or maybe play some video games? My brother has a bunch." I hadn't played in forever but I thought it might be fun. I mean, he's a guy, guys love video games.

"Do ya have Fifa?"

"Of course we have Fifa," I said in a 'duh' manner. I could tell he was excited when he got up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran to the living room. I didn't bother kicking, if he was going to let me down, it would be when he wanted to. He looked around. And around, and around. "The game is in the console." He paused and then put me down feeling embarrassed.

"Are you ready to lose?" He said with a sexy, confident tone. I laughed and sat down with my controller. There was no way I was going to lose.

We played for a while, sitting closer and closer to each other. Niall was funny like that; trying to be sly with his moves but they were awful. It was almost like in middle school when you go on your first "date" to the movies and he pretends he's stretching as his arm magically appears around you. I was always very confused by that. We played four games, each of us winning two. I don't think he expected much from me. Although he didn't like losing, he seemed to find it attractive that I could beat him at his own game.

Afterwards we sat on the couch and talked about things we hadn't talked about before. Our conversations could go on for hours. I really wanted to ask him about the man though. Who was he and why was he following us? Even if he did know Niall it was creepy that he was watching us all night. It got quiet, he knew something was on my mind. I looked into those eyes. They seemed different every time, more beautiful as time went on. I thought about how to word it.

Remember Me ~A Niall Horan Fanfiction~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora