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Work was going extremely slow. I realized I had no appointments out in the field and it was a Wednesday, a very mellow day. All I could think about was sleep. Fortunately I had plenty of coffee. Abby would be back at noon from her photo shoot. She got to take pictures of some of the wealthiest people in New York City. I was jealous but she was so good at her job and deserved every bit of what she did. I mean, she was the manager of Galleria.

Two women walked in looking around--probably on their lunch break. They both looked very...well off to say the least; wearing tight fitting dresses with diamond earrings and pearls. I said hello and they kindly waved to me. I continued organizing our catalogs but couldn't help notice they were looking at one my pieces. I had painted the cubby on my first floor. The day I painted it there was rain so I made sure to include that on the window. I made sure all of the books in my painting were the same on my wall and all of the shops outside were the same in my painting. I walked over to them, trying not to stumble in my heels. I was still so exhausted.

"Can I help you ladies with anything?" The woman with short black hair looked at me with a big smile. I tried not to laugh when I saw she had lipstick on her teeth. I don't know why I found that so funny.

"Yes," she said with a very heavy southern accent, "I am lovin' this paintin'. Do you know the artists intent?"

They were definitely tourists. I wasn't sure if I should tell her it was my painting or not. It may play an affect on whether she bought it or not. "I think she...or he, may be going for a homey feel." She looked a bit confused.

I smiled. "Close your eyes and go to a window you love looking out of." She followed my words and laughed, feeling silly. Her friend closed her eyes and participated too. "I'm sure whatever room you're in, whatever window you are looking out of has a story. It gives you comfort." They opened their eyes.

I was smiling from ear to ear, "Did you see it?"

"Why yes I did! When I was a child I used to sit in the attic with my dolls and look out into the pasture of my papa's farm. I could smell the grass growing and hear the hens a cluckin' away."

I looked at her and then pointed at the picture. "Now look at this picture. Put yourself in this room full of books."

They closed their eyes, searching for my cubby. "What do you smell? How does it make you feel?"

They kept their eyes closed longer this time. I waited for them to open. The other woman spoke, "It smells like old books and I can hear the rain."

"Of course! That's exactly what I was thinking Margaret!"

I giggled. "I think what the artist wants is for someone to look at this and not only see what's in front of them but feel it too. They want to take you somewhere you've never been before and let you feel it without even being there. Even if that place is as simple as a wall full of books and a worn down window. It lets you use your imagination. Or at least that's how I see it." I continued staring at my painting until the women with short black hair and lipstick on her teeth spoke,

"I'll take it!"

I wrapped it up for her and they left extremely happy. Abby walked in, struggling with a bag full of her camera equipment. I giggled.

"I could use some help here Ansley!" I rolled my eyes and walked around the counter, taking a bag.

"I told you not to wear heels if you know you're doing field work."

"You always need to look beautiful Ansley!" Someone was having a rough morning.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" She glared at me, "What? Why are you in such a bad mood?" I hated when Abby was in a bad mood. She turned into Grendel from Beowulf when she got angry. She was mad at the whole world even if only one person made her upset. She carried her stuff to the back room and when she came out she sat down and rested her head on the table.

"Eric showed up at my doorstep today while I was getting Natalie ready for pre-school."

"What?" I couldn't stand that man. I have never met him and I still despise him. He was the one who impregnated her and then left, claiming 'it' wasn't his. "What did he want?"

"He said he wanted to be apart of Natalie's life and blahh blahh blahh."

"He can't do that can he?" Abby sat up quickly.

"He will never be in her life. I don't care what I have to do, I will make sure of it." I don't think Abby had told me the whole story with Eric. He did leave her and everything but there's no way she would be this angry. I have never seen her this mad. I really thought smoke was going to start coming out of her ears.

The worst part was that I only met Abby two years ago so I couldn't give her the advice she needed when it came to him. "I'm going to do everything I can to help Abby. He won't get away with this."

She sighed and looked at me. I know, I've been so great for the past 2 years. You're supposed to be the one with the problems." I laughed,

"Thanks Abby! I do have some good news though." She just looked at me miserably. "Niall wants us to hang out with him after the concert." She didn't look amused. "Abby. Did you hear what I just said?"

"I don't think I'm up for hanging out after the--"

"Liam's going to be there." I said in a monotone voice like it was no big deal, "and Niall said he's single." I looked at her and I was right, she would be fine for the rest of the day.

"No way! Oh my god, I'm going to meet Liam Payne? This is so exciting!" Her voice squealed as she clapped her hands together. "I thought I knew what I was going to wear but now I have no idea!"

The time began moving along much faster now that Abby was here and happy again. We always had so much fun at work together. We talked about the concert tonight and I finally gave her all of the juicy details from the past few days. We really hadn't talked much and I needed my best friend to know everything so she could critique and fix everything I screwed up. It finally hit 5 and Abby and I left as Lilly and Bailey came in. We picked up Natalie and went to Abby's apartment. It was small but big enough for the two of them. Abby picked out our clothes as I took a nap. I still hadn't had very much sleep and I wouldn't be getting any tonight either.

When I woke up I quickly got dressed and put on some makeup since this was an event I should probably look nice for. It was 6 and we needed to leave shortly if we wanted to get to the stadium on time. When we finally had everything done, dropped Natalie off, and wished Max good luck we got in a cab and began our journey to the gig.

I don't know why but I began to feel nervous. I looked out the cab window and listened to the night life. For some reason it was comforting; hearing people laugh, street music, and even the homeless asking for change. The only noise I hated was the one I began to hear as we neared the stadium.

"They really are loud aren't they Ansley?" We both covered our years,

"Extremely." I was more understanding now that I knew why it was happening. These were probably the most passionate people I have ever heard. I guess I could live with it if Niall was the cause of it.

We got out and linked our arms together. I was not about to get lost in this crowd of screaming and crying girls. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to come, I had the worst claustrophobia. We found our seats. Luckily they were very high up but the front row so we could sit and still be able to see. I had a feeling Abby would have me on my feet anyway. The guys weren't even out yet and the screaming began. I looked at my phone, 7:10. I texted Niall,

Good luck tonight. I'll be watching :)

I was happy, truly happy and as much as I didn't want to admit it--I was already having fun.

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