Chapter 2

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The bell rings for my first period. I take a look at my schedule: English 101, in room 4402. I slowly stood up from my chair, and made my way to the door, letting everyone else out before me.

I wandered the halls, looking for the right number. The school nearly seemed like a maze. I couldn't find my class.

The bell had rang, and I was late. The halls were so empty and quiet, that you could hear my footsteps... Alast, I find room 4402, and walk in. Everyone stares at me, and everything goes quiet. The teacher glares at me and points to an empty chair, as I walk towards that chair and sat down.

I look around the classroom and everyone is appears to be doing a small group project. I thought to myself, I have nothing to do. Realizing that, I take out my book. I feel stares coming from all around the classroom. I felt a little uncomfortable, but there is not much I can do.

I don't care much about doing nothing in class, therefore, I opened my book. I've read this book over three times, it's been with me since I was 14. I took it everywhere I went in Seoul, it was my only entertainment.  As I read, I feel someone approach me, then I hear a calm voice...

"Hey, is that a good book?"

Without looking up, I nod in response. Then there was a long pause...

The whispers around the class filled the room. I close my book and lock eyes with the teacher that was standing right in front of me.

"You enjoy reading?" She asks,

I nod, making it clear in my expression I don't wanna start a conversation, but she kept asking me questions,

doesn't she have anything better to do? 

I answer yes, no or just shrug my shoulders to every question she asks.

*time travels to future*

1:15 PM

I saw a huge crowd going towards the cafeteria. I simply decided to skip lunch, and familiarize myself with my new school. While walking around, I spot these huge double doors.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I walk towards them. I push the handle, and a strong breeze brushes my hair back, exposing more of my eye patch and my forehead. I quickly run my fingers through my black hair, placing it back in place.

I take a look around me, and admire the beautiful trees, grass and flowers, the peaceful sound of the birds made him feel... happy?

Could I finally be feeling a little happy?

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