Chapter 3

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BubbleGums POV

I woke up the next morning to feel something holding me. It felt cold but secure. Looking up I noticed what it was. Marshal! Falling backwards I hit the floor with a loud THUD. Hoping it didn't wake Marshal up I stood up scooting to the bathroom. Oh glob oh glob what did I do last night?! Did I... oh glob please no! While I was panicking I heard the bathroom door open. It was marshal. He let out a big yawn rubbing his head. I felt myself start giggling at the sight of his bed hair. He shot me a sleepy expression. "Morning Gumwad." His fingers ran through my hair. I shriveled up a bit and squealed. His laughter echoed in the bathroom. "If your wondering no we didn't do anything "scandalous" sadly." Oh thank glob. Taking a deep breathe I gulped and starting stuttering like crazy. "Well I thought I told you to leave did you sneak into my house last night?" Rubbing the back of his head he turned to me. "Well I felt bad for upsetting you so I came to apologize and you were sleeping so I just fell asleep next to you." "Wait you came to apologize..?" I said in a shocked tone. Marshals face immediately turned pink a bit. "H-Hey don't get used to it, I may be a dick but I don't like seeing my prey cry." Smiling I ran up and hugged marshal. I felt him jump a bit. "What the hell?!" "That's all I needed to hear you dick." I said smiling. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Well it's the weekend no school wanna.... hang out? I guess." Wow he's acted really nice for once.. "Of course I'd love to! Just let me get changed and we can head out." I changed into a pink shirt with black hoodie, and a black beanie. "I'm ready what would you like to do?" He thought for a second scratching his chin." Well I heard from a little birdie there's supposed to be a kickass party. It's not that far from here." "I don't know Marshal I'm not a partier." Lifting my head up he kissed my forehead. Blushing a bit I responded. "W-What was that for?" Marshal had a grin on his face. "Just to point out I'll be there with you so if you feel uncomfortable just hang out with me the whole time if you must." Wow ok he was being way to nice all of a sudden. I finally agreed as he flew us to the party. There were a lot of peeps there already. As marshal lowered me to the ground I shyly hid behind him. "Come on bubba it'll be fun!" Bubba? Huh. Weird but ok nickname. I followed close behind Marshal. Before I knew it I was lost in a sea of people. Marshal was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic until a nice woman approached me.

"Hey are you that new kid that marshals been hanging out with?" Not knowing who she was I nodded yes. "Well just so you know I AM his gf so don't try anything on him." "I beg your pardon? He never mentioned a girlfriend before nore has he even mentioned any love life." I saw that made her angry. "Well he doesn't need to so shut the hell up and stay away from him." Why was she so angry? I never even said anything to suggest I was into him, even though I was.. "Well he is my friend so I am allowed to spend time with him." I said as she clenched her fist. Throwing a punch before I could dodge someone grabbed it. Looking up I noticed who it was. "Flame?!" He pushed the girl slightly away. "I'd appreciate if you'd not harm my bf." b-b-b-boy friend?! With a surprised expression she smirked. "Well at least I know marshal is all mine now later fag." The woman said strutting away. Flame looked down and smiled. Why was he defending me? Wasn't he upset? "Gumball follow me a know of a less crowed room. Shaking my head ok I followed him into a bedroom with a group of people sitting on the floor in a circle. One of them happened to be marshal. "Why don't we play with them?" Flame suggested. "Um o-ok." He grabbed my hand and led me to the circle there was only 1 spot left so flame put me on his lap. I blushed crazy as I sat the while he held on to me. "Alright everyone how's a little game of spin the bottle?!" Everyone cheered and clapped even flame got excited. "Alright! You pink boy you go first." Someone placed the bottle in front of me. I had never played before. I knew you had to spin the bottle that's it. I spun it when it landed on Marshal. I was confused on what to do now as everyone started going "Ooh." Marshal started glaring until I noticed who at. He jumped up pulling me off flames lap. "Um marshal I'm confused what happens in spin the bottle what do we-?" I got cut off by marshal kissing me. Everyone started cheering. But not flame. Marshal pulled away bringing me to his side putting me on his lap. I sat there blushing like crazy. I felt his breathe against my ear. "That's what you do." He whispered. Ok I officially hate this game. Looking in the doorway I saw the lady from earlier. Oh glob his gf... she saw us kiss! I'm in so much trouble. Not l long it got to flames turn. He spun it around while it landed on... marshal?! Marshal gave a disgusted look as did flame. Me? I started giggling. They both shot me an annoyed look as I chuckled. "Could I re-spin?" I heard flame say. Everyone screamed no. They both sighed getting up and giving each other a kiss. It lasted only a second but it was still a kiss. I just burst out laughing as did many others. Both boys glared at me. Quickly covering my mouth I smiled and waved putting up a thumbs up.

Marshal POV

I swear I'm gonna kill that boy. He just smiled. I couldn't help but smile bag. Bumping into flame I walked over to PB putting him in front of me as we sat. My hands started playing with his hair. It made him squeak every time I touched his head. Man he's so cute. Flameboy just sat there glaring at me. Noticing he was staring I took the opportunity to play with him. Gently I gave Bubbas neck a little peck. He jumped a bit. Such an innocent little thing. Flame just started growling. I kept messing with him for the majority of the time until it got late. "Hey bubba let's get going it's getting late." He was already snoring away on my lap. Smiling I picked him up bridal style. "Well guys it seems you have worn him out I'm gonna go." Everyone awed at us. Ugh embarrassing. Whatever I flew out of the room gumwad still in my arms. Before I could leave someone blocked me with their arm. Damn it, Ashely. "Where you going hot stuff?" She was disgusting. How did I date that. Plus she's REALLY clinging. Sighing I held bubba tight as his face nuzzled up to my chest. "Home, bubbas tired." She gave me a confused look. "Bubba..?" Stuttering I corrected myself. "GumBall I meant." "Ok whatever, well how about me and you ditch the pip squeak and get some privacy? Nya?" My blood boiled. Calmly as I could I responded. "No Ashely he's tired I'm tired and we are leaving so move." Looking at her with my beet red eyes. She didn't seemed scared just annoyed. Slowly she lowered her arm. I swung the door open. Flying out I heard her whisper something. "He will be mine." Was she talking about bubba? No she's obviously talking about me.  Right? Ignoring I made my way to his house.

I flew his window quietly as to not alert the maid. Placing him on his bed I went to walk away when I felt something grab me. Pulling me down I noticed Gumball was nuzzling up to me. My face turned pink a bit as he fell asleep in my arms. Smiling I kissed his forehead. "Night bubba."

I know this chapter was a bit short please forgive me. I am trying to make them longer as I go along. Hope you enjoyed part 3!

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