Chapter 7

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Warning Sexual Content Ahead BoyxBoy action if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff this fanfic is NOT for you. Ok back to the fanfic

Marshall Lee POV

Bubba and I had been dating for a week now. Nobody knows except for peppermint. Gumball asked to keep it on the down low for a bit as he was still scared to show his true colors. Understanding where he's coming from I agreed. At school we acted like best buddies but at Gumballs or my house it was a whole different story. Sometimes I tease him during classes by running my hands through his hair or if no one is looking sneak a kiss on his neck. It's hilarious seeing him turn red and squirm. He's adorable. I usually slept over at Gumballs house. Peppermint didn't mind she said she liked that I was keeping him company and considered me family at this point. It felt nice. It was another regular day. Bubba used to have an alarm clock to wake him up but he told me even when it goes off if I'm laying with him it'll sound like nothing and he might even sleep through it if I'm cuddling him. He wasn't lying one time he slept through a whole alarm as he snuggled go my chest. So basically either me or peppermint wake him up in the morning. Slowly opening my eyes I felt around trying to find bubba. I didn't feel anything just the sheets. Opening my eyes all the way I sat up. Huh, I guess he woke up and didn't want to wake me. Cute. Yawning I flew up putting on my flannel. Scratching my back I swung the door open to the bedroom and flew to the living room. Glancing in I noticed a woman sitting on the couch. Quickly I hid behind a wall and glanced at the woman. She was defiantly an adult. Her clothes were very fancy like Gumwads taste in clothing. Her hair was pink and there seemed to be a crown on top? What the hell? She reached for the cup that was sitting in he coffee table sipping it while lifting her pinkie. Huh how fancy. Looking over I saw Gumball sitting across from her. But his posture was weird. Usually he slouches or leans back into the couch but not this time. He sat straight up with his butt practically almost falling off the edge of the couch. I could tell he combed his hair very well and put on his best attire. Yeesh now I'm sounding like Gumball. Taking a deep breathe I flew out from behind the wall and into the room.

"Hey Gumball." I said waving. He looked up at me and gave a small smile

"Hello Marshall I'd like you to meet someone." He gestured for me to sit down next to him. Flying over I noticed for a spilt second the woman glaring at me. I swear it could have killed me there and then. It was defiantly a death stare. Gulping I sat next to Gumball and leaned back.

"Ahem." The woman said glaring at me. Looking at Gumball he gestured for me to sit up. Rolling my eyes I sat up.

"So Bubba who is this?" The woman looked at me like I offended her whole life.

"Bubba? Please refrain from calling him that it's inappropriate." Excuse me lady I'll call my boyfriend whatever I want! Also how in the living fuck is it inappropriate?! At that moment I was ready to throw down. I saw Gumball sweat nervously.

"Please mother I bet he didn't intentionally mean to call me that." WOAH WOAH BACK UP. MOTHER?!  Man his mom is a bitch. Wide eyes I looked at Gumball who looked nervous while sipping his tea. Ok we need to talk.

"I apologize mam but I need to talk with Bu-Gumball here it's really important it won't take long." I said grabbing his arm and bowing to his mother. I could hear a slight grumbling noise slip from her mouth as I dragged him to his room. Closing the door I heard him start freaking out. Looking behind me I saw him twirling his thumbs as he rambled on. I couldn't understand much of what he said since he was talking so fast. It was little things I could understand like 'I should have told you she was coming,' and 'You probably hate me now I'm so so sorry.' Not wanting him to blow a fuse I grabbed his hands as he looked up at me with teary eyes.

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