chapter 36

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For the rest of the afternoon me and Lauren pretty much spent the day in my bed watching Hulu cause she was showing me the show Lucifer since it was one of the few shows she actually watched on a regular basis. And I gotta say its an awesome show.
C- how mad will you be if I said mase was hot
L- haha I won't be mad at all since everyone finds her hot and besides if I'm not mad at you you can't be mad at me for who I think is hot
C- Lucifer ?
L- nope
C- who
L- detective douche
C- haha really you can call him by his real name
L- this way was funnier
C- true
L- but are you liking the show
C- very much
L- yay
She snuggled up to me and we went back to watching the show. By the time we finished all the episodes we decided to go get food
C- hey losers wanna come get food with us
Dana- no I'm good I'm going to sleep actually
C- oook how about you gabe
He just groaned
L- is he seriously still hungover
C- looks like it
L- dang
C- anyways let's go get food cutie
I grabbed her hand and we walked out to my car. I held her hand as I  drove to jack in the box. We ended up talking and joking as we ate soon enough we left and watched impractical jokers or more like attempted to watch because we both ended up falling asleep. We were both in a dead sleep when her phone woke us up
L- its my mom she wants to know if I'm coming home
C- why is she worrying its only oh its 2 that's why she's worrying
L- yeah
She looked at me and I pulled her to me so she was laying down again and I took her phone
*staying with cole tonight sorry we fell asleep watching TV but I'll be home tomorrow i love you *
C- sound like you
L- surprisingly yes
C- good now go back to sleep
L- ok
Not even 5 minutes later she was back out like a light and I wasn't far behind her.

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