chapter 42

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I was sitting at home when Dana texted me saying he posted a ustream that I might want to watch. Umm ok I hit the link and as he was talking I felt my heart break into a million pieces they were over how could cole not tell me. This must be why he's always picking fights with me. I turned off the video and slipped on my shoes and ran next door and gabe answered
L- where's cole
G- he's not here
L- well where is he Gabe
G- he's out with kyle
L- alright
G- hey
L- what
G- I'm sorry
And with that I broke down again and we sat in the steps in front of his house as he tried to comfort me. Soon enough cole showed up drunk may I add
L- cole you're home I need to talk to you
C- well I don't want to talk so why don't you keep snuggling up to gabe
L- cole he was helping me that's it
G- dude I wouldn't do anything like that I won't hurt you or most importantly I won't hurt Dee
C- whatever
L- you know what call me tomorrow when you're not drunk
C- fine
And with that I ran back to my house.
~next day(late afternoon)
Cole finally called me and I went over there and he wasn't drunk anymore but he acted the same way.
L- I just don't understand why you never told me
C- you're a fan you have to find out the same way everyone else does
L- well I know but why didn't you tell me there was issues
C- because you didn't need to know alright now back off
L- I'm sorry for caring
C- well stop
L- what
C- stop caring about us mostly stop caring about me
L- how do you expect me to do that when I love you
C- stop loving me that simple
L- and how simple is that
C- pretty simple since I stopped loving you
L- so what this whole time you've been busy stringing me along for publicity or something
C- exactly to show how amazing im5 is that were willing to date fans but no more im5 no more us now leave
L- this isn't you you're not like this
C- yes I am I'm exactly like this I had to be that way to get fans interested
L- if this was really you you would've acted like this when it was just us
C- like I said had to keep the fans interested and well you're a fan
L- I can't believe you
C- goodbye Lauren
L- I hate you
C- told you its easy now goodbye
And with that I ran out of his room almost running into Dana on the way
Dana- are you ok
L- I'm fine
Dana- Lauren you're eyes are bloodshot why are you crying
L- your friend is a dick that's why now I need to leave I'm really sorry
And with that I left but I don't hate him though i still love him I love him a lot.

Soooo like I said don't kill me I'm sorry for mentioning that video and everything. I love you

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