Chapter 5

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The week after the note showed up it was quiet. No news of Won Jun surfaced. It was almost as if he was never here but they all knew he was close by. That’s how he works. He let’s you know he’s near and nothing else until he attacks. His greatest personal weapon is fear.

It was about 8:00 am when Ashley got dressed and left the apartment. She walked outside and looked up and down the road. She decided to go to the cafe by her art studio where she first met Yoongi when she sketched him. She got there after about 10 minutes of walking and went in. Ashley looked around as she walked up to the counter and ordered her coffee and muffin. She sat down at a table by the wall and waited for her stuff to come. When the barista arrived she handed her a slip of paper, “The gentleman over by the window on the other side asked me to give this to you.” She said and walked away.

Intrigued Ashley looked around for him and saw him get up and walk out. He was wearing a nice outfit and sunglasses. She couldn’t get a clear look of his face but he waved at her. She looked at the paper and unfolded it. It was a photo of Yoongi’s apartment building. She didn’t know what it meant but she knew it couldn’t be good. Ashley ran out and looked for the man who had given it to her but couldn’t find him. She ran to the apartment and went inside and called out for Yoongi, “Yoongi!? Are you home?” She yelled.

He came out of his room in jeans and a t-shirt but his hair was still wet from his shower, “What is it?” He asked. Ashley walked over to him and gave him the photo.

“A guy gave it to the barista at the cafe to give to me.” She said when he opened it and looked at it, “Was it Won Jun?”

“No it wasn’t. It was probably one of his people though. He himself wouldn’t risk contacting you himself again without taking you in case one of us was keeping an eye on you which we should do.” He said while tossing the photo in the kitchen trash.

“What does the photo mean?” Ashley asked.

“Nothing. He just wants to scare you.” Yoongi sounded hopeful but not entirely sure what he said was true. Ashley didn’t know what to say. She went to her room and laid down on her bed.

Won Jun sat outside the building in a taxi cab. He had a gun with a silencer against the back of driver’s seat so it wouldn’t be seen from outside. He kept an eye on the doors and who left the building. Soon enough he saw Jimin leaving the building and saw him walking to the cafe a few buildings down. Won Jun fired the gun 4 times through the seat killing the driver. He put the gun in his coat inside pocket and followed him. He grabbed Jimin and pulled him into an alley. Jimin felt the gun being pressed against his side, where Won Jun held it with his finger on the trigger.

“Let’s talk.” Won Jun said, looking Jimin in the eyes. He was much taller than Jimin and much better in combat. Jimin’s specialty was computers, not this. Not to mention he was unarmed which left him at a bigger disadvantage against Won Jun.

“What do we have to talk about?” Jimin tried not to sound nervous but couldn’t help the hitch in his voice when he felt the gun move so it would be fatal if he got shot.

“You know exactly what we have to talk about. I want Ashley. All she has to do is tell me what she knows then you can have her back. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” Won Jun kept eye contact with Jimin.

“I can’t make that decision.” Jimin said trying not to break the eye contact.

“Then I guess we’ll have to take this to the person who can.” A car pulled up and Won Jun shoved Jimin in the back seat and the driver got in the back with him. Won Jun got in the driver’s seat and started driving out of the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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