Dolph Ziggler pt2

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There's so many questions clouding my mind at this moment.

Do I regret doing what I did?
Yes and no.

Do I still love Dolph?

Would I get back together with him?

That painful night exactly 3 months ago was horrible. I've gotten text messages, phone calls. I can't lie, I really miss him.

I think even my dogs are starting to have Dolph withdrawals. I think I'm gonna go back to him. I can't keep living like this. I packed all of Zulu and Reigns stuff.

After that I packed all of my stuff into my suitcases. I brought them back downstairs and I loaded them into my SUV. I loaded the dogs in the car and I drove back home.

I have to call my mom and explain everything to her later. It took me about 20 minutes to get home. Once I got there I let the dogs into the backyard and walked up to my front door.

I knocked because I left the key here. He opened the door and I could sense something about him that was wrong. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes were all red and puffy and it looked like he hasn't been eating.

"Oh baby" you whispered

After the long silent stares at each other I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

He brought me inside the house and set me down. He kissed my ever so passionately and he had me face in his hands.

"I was so stupid to ever let you go. I'm so so so so sorry y/n. I promise it won't ever happen again I promise. Now can you please put your beautiful ring on and let's get married."

He handed me my ring and I put it on. He gave me another kiss and then grabbed all my bags out of the car. I unpacked and we laid down together and fell asleep peacefully.

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