John Cena

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This one was also requested by @cenasoccer78 Hope you like it!!!❤️

So today I hear that there's a WWE superstar coming to the NXT taping today. Nobody cared to tell us who it was so i'm gonna go and investigate.

I start walking around for a little bit thinking that i'm never gonna find this mystery person. I bump into a hard chest. Before I can hit the floor hands catch me.

"Woah are you ok there? I'm sorry didn't think I was gonna bump into someone as beautiful as you." He winked.

I blushed and he helped me up. I twirled my hair around my finger in a flirtatious way.

'Wow he's really hot' I thought to myself.

"Why thank you your quite the sight to see as well." He said

I mentally slapped my forehead. I need to learn how to say things in my head.

"Your making me blush." I smiled.

"Well how about tonight I take you out to dinner and we can get to know each other?" He asked taking my hand.

"Sure! Just let me go see if I need to do anything else and I'll meet you in the parking lot?" I said but more as a question.

"No problem gorgeous. I'll see you soon." He kissed my cheek and walked away.

I blushed yet again and walked to go find the producer. Once I found him I asked him if I had anymore to do. He said no so I ran to my dressing room and changed into a Black bodycon dress and some black pumps.

I re applied my makeup and did my hair again. I grabbed my purse and I walked to the parking lot.

I saw John standing by the rental car. He looked up and we made eye contact. We both smiled and I walked up to him.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head.

He opened my door and I got in. He ran around to his side and got in as well. We buckled up and he started driving.

About 20 minutes later we pulled up to this fancy italian restaurant. He got out of the car and ran around to my side and opened my door.

He grabbed my hand and we walked into the restaurant. The waitress seated us immediately.

"Hi my name is Sandy, what can I get you guys to drink?" She asked.

"Can I get your best selling wine please?" John asked.

She nodded and went to go get the wine. He grabbed my hand and we made small talk.

She came back with the wine and 2 glasses. John poured us both a glass and we clinked our glasses.

"What can I get y'all to eat?" She asked pulling out her pad and pen.

"I'll have (what ever you choose)" I said to her.

"And I'll have the Chicken Parmesan." John handed her out menus.

We talked and talked all night about all different things. Once we were finished he paid for our food and we got back into the car.

He drove us to the hotel and once again opened my door for me.

"Come to my room tonight." John said. I nodded my head and he brought me to his room.

As soon as the door shut, clothing came off piece by piece. Soon we were in the bed. He made love to me the whole night up until the sun came up.

Once the sun came up I realized two things One I just had sex with John Cena and two it was amazing.

I woke up cuddled to someone's chest but now worrying cause I knew it was just John. I stretched and sat up.

I looked back and John stirred in his sleep. He eventually opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning gorgeous." He smiled. I leaned down and kissed his lips.

"Let's go shower so I can take you out to breakfast." We both got out of bed and made our way to the bathroom.

By the looks of it you can tell what we did in the shower.

"I love you Mandy." John said

"I love you too John." I replied back.

And that was the start of a wonderful relationship between us.

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