Innocent (1)

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Tell me what you think of chapter 1. It's kinda boring cause its just the beginning and i have to have everything explained. Even if it sucks, tell me and I'll delete it before i make a huge fool of myself xD. If you like it, vote and fan for the continuing chapters. Thanks!


Chapter 1-

My life sucks. I know every typical 16-soon-turning-17-year-old boy says that at some point. Most of the time, they're just being overdramatic. To a typical teen, not doing a girl after the first date is a bad day, getting kicked off the football team is the end of the world and lack of beer and weed is the cause of suicide. Though, who said I was typical?

When you have a scientist as a mother and a gang leader as your dad, nothing is normal. That's right; my dad runs a whole slum of gangsters. Laugh if you wish, but let me tell you, nothing about it is funny. I've seen more fights, blood, and murder than any teenage boy has ever seen. Some of them were up close too. I've long since forgotten the number of broken bones I've received thanks to my dad, and the number of mutated side effects thanks to my mother. In our gang, if you need a punching bag or a lab rat, my number was on speed dial. Being a gang toy sucks, being a guinea pig sucks, being in a gang sucks, actually everything in my sorry existence sucks. To top it off, I can't even get a girl.

"Cub! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" Groggily, I peeked out from behind my eyelids and saw the moon. Turning over, I glanced at my alarm clock and groaned. As usual, my dad had to beat sunrise and call everyone up at 4:00. "Cub! Don't make me come in there!" Usually, when a parent threatens to "come in", the worst you can get is a painful ear-pulled exit. In my case, the best you can get is a sore body and a bleeding nose. Trust me, I've been there.

Hurriedly, I grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt. In 57 seconds flat, I was already out the door.

"Morning Cub."

"How you doing Cub?" The routine ruckus filled the air of the dining room. Everybody was up bright and early, gobbling plates of nearly inedible food. Of course, if you let my mom hear that, she would glue your lips together, literally. I never did get how a genius scientist that came up with the most explosive solutions on earth couldn't come up with a non-poisonous recipe.

"Cub." Another man nodded in acknowledgement. Of course, my real name wasn't cub, but as like every other gang, no one actually refers to real names. Being the youngest of the group, and the son of the king of the jungle, of course I got stuck with the nickname "Cub". The only thing it has in common with my real name is that they both start with a C.

As soon as the last plates were cleared, every single pair of eyes swiveled toward my father sitting in the front.

"Big Rock still hasn't paid his dues." My father's voice boomed through the stone room and echoes bounced off the walls. "Obviously, we hold no respect in his eyes. Obviously, he has never heard of us and what we can do." Damn right. Any man with half a brain wouldn't have messed with my father. I don't blame poor Big Rock though, most people haven't heard of us. We like to stay under the covers, even with our kind of people. "Being the generous man I am, I will provide him one more warning. Wolf, Lightning, why don't you guys go take care of that?" Obediently, Wolf and Lightning stood up and in the next second, they were gone. "As for the rest of you, business as usual."

Screeches tore our eardrums, and the gang filed out for eight hours of extensive workout in the gym before lunch. Everyone but me that is.

"Cub! You stay!" Nervously, I stood waiting as the crowd rushed by me. Being held after announcements was never good. As soon as the last of them disappeared out the doors, I took a deep breath and prayed it wouldn't hurt too much.

"Look Dad, I know I got down here kind of late. Mom hates that I know, but-"

"I have an assignment for you." I blinked.

"Dad, but, why didn't you hand out my mission during announcements?" His dark eyes glared down at me, swallowing up any courage I had, if I even had any.

"Do I need to explain myself and my actions to you?" His voice was quiet, and that's when you knew you officially crossed the line.

"No, of course not." I quickly replied before things got ugly.

"Good. Now, I want you to go and take this envelope to Butcher." I stared down at the large, brown envelope recently pressed into my hands and wondered what was in it. Knowing Dad, it could be anything. "Be careful with it. Your mom made it." Now, I didn't want to know anymore.

"No problem, Dad. I'll be back for lunch!" By the word lunch, I was already running out the door and into the rising sunlight.

The morning wind whistled gently, and the bird's melody rang clear to the heavens. I love playing messenger, especially on a cool fall day. The beauty of the outside world was almost enough for me to forget the life I had at home. I could fantasize that I was actually normal, except for the envelope of who-knows-what in my hand of course. The best part is that I'm the youngest, and the only one capable of blending in with a street full of people, so I get to enjoy the world in daylight often.

I made the trip to Butchers unscathed. I also made it out the door unharmed and not many guys can say that. I could leisurely enjoy my walk under the bright morning sun. I could have made plenty of excuses for what happened next, but the truth was I just wasn't paying any attention. That's poor quality for someone who always has to be on the lookout for their father's enemies, especially ones with knives.

"Ow!" Both of our voices cried out in unison in pain in surprise after I ran into someone on the street. I raised my head to find an angel floating in front of me. Well, she seemed like an angel anyway, my angel. Her jet-black hair danced in the wind, exactly in rhythm with the flow of her pure white dress. Clear blue eyes stared back at me and her soft, pink lips curved into a smile. Oh, those adorable, kissable lips...

"I'm sorry." The bell-like whisper of magnificence rang out like a lullaby.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." My voice strained and felt rough from lack of breath. Forgetting to breathe in front of a gorgeous girl was never a good thing.

"It's quite alright." She breathed. "I would love to stay and chat, but sadly, I have somewhere to be. Maybe we could meet again sometime and introduce ourselves in a less...painful manner." Another dazzling smile shot my way and all I could do was nod. In the next second, she flew past me and disappeared into the midday rush.

The next few weeks were all filled with thoughts of her. Her comforting image made life bearable. In the few years I've been in the gang, those few moments actually created something I've been missing for far too long: happiness. It didn't matter that I knew nothing about her, other than heaven sent her down for me.

The day I turned seventeen, I actually woke with a smile from a pleasant dream. The picture perfect moment when I first laid my

eyes on her stayed beside me as I entered the busy dining room.

I knew not to expect a birthday cake (I haven't had one since I was three) but parents could always find new ways to surprise you and boy was I surprised.

"Cub," my father called after everybody choked down the meal. "Today, you are a man. No longer a "cub", you're ready for your first assignment of...disposal." Murder was what he actually meant. I knew this day would come sooner or later, and I hold no hesitance of ridding the world of the useless bum who infects humanity.

Strong and confident, I strutted up towards my new mission, wondering who would be my first.

"You have to find out what this kid knows before you make her disappear." So it was a girl. "Welcome back to high school son." It was obvious what he meant by those words. Even though I had finished school at 15 (I inherited my brain from my mother) I had to go undercover to discover how much this girl knew about us. Most likely, she was a druggie.

My father grinned as he handed over the picture of my victim. Eagerly, I flipped over the picture and instantly my smile crashed into the floor. My angel's beautiful face shone back at me.

Happy birthday.

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