Innocent (4)

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Yay!! It's Chapter 4!! This chapter has a lot more to do with the romance department, so if you're not a big fan of it, I'm sorry! But, read this chapter anyway because it's quite important xD



I shook my head, refusing to believe the proof that shone to me like L.A. at night. The DVD was the song that sung to be the truth I needed to see, but my heart was the mute button, blocking the lyrics. My eyes were the ones reading the lyrics, but my mind was wondering if this was even the right song.

"No, it can't be!" I groaned. "It can't. This isn't true. No, no, no..."

Chapter 4-

On the screen, a girl decked in black strutted through the doors, not caring about her life that was on the line. I could see that she carelessly walked into our weapons room; the most guarded and protected room. Behind her, she dragged two limp bodies. With a closer look, I could see that it was Snake and Koala, two men who went missing about a month or two ago.

She dropped them as soon as their feet were inside, and closed the door. Then, she paused, looking around. In the next moment, she became a whirlwind of chaos. The ripped through the room like a tornado, trashing and breaking valuable weapons everywhere. Several times, she stopped and stuffed some weapons into her bag. Of course, I might note that she didn't bring a bag, so she stuffed it wherever available.

Soon, the room was a mess of broken metal and wood. The girl looked around the room and nodded in approval. From the camera angle, I couldn't see how, but she grabbed a can of spray paint. She walked up to the nearest wall, and words started to appear.


All this time, I couldn't see her face, but her body structure was scarily similar to Aileen's. I refused to believe that it could be Aileen, even though if Dad said so, it's true.

She walked over to Snake and Koala, still lying lifeless on the cold floor. That girl must be very good if she could knock them both out like that. She looked around once more, her face still avoiding the camera, and finally found what she was looking for.

I saw her pick up the only unbroken knife within the rubble.

"No, it can't be!" I groaned. "It can't. This isn't true. No, no, no..." One, two, three, four times the knife plunged into Koala's chest. The same was repeated to Snake's body. Blood gushed out and kept on pouring and pouring. Finally, the girl lifted her head, and I could no longer make excuses.

Aileen stared straight at the camera, and flashed a wicked smile I've never seen on her face. The girl, who had winced at cuss words, who had helped everyone in need, my girlfriend, had killed my comrades in cold blood.

I lost all strength and fell, not even caring what others think. What happened the sweet Aileen I knew? Was everything an act? Was our relationship a lie?

"Son," Dad gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know that was hard to see, but you needed to see it. You've been with me long enough to know, you can't trust anyone, especially the ones you love."

"What gang is she from? What did they mean by payback will come? I thought Snake and Koala was payback enough."

"I don't know cub. That's why I had you go find out what she wants. But, I see now that, that wasn't the wisest choice. I think I'm going to pull you back from the assignment."

"No." My voice was hard. Hatred for all the blood, the murders, and the lies filled my sobbing heart. "I will continue with the mission. I won't let Snake and Koala die in vain." Dad nodded, and everyone then headed out to the gym. As for me, I crawled up to my room, being the first to skip gym time. No one said a word of protest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2010 ⏰

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