Innocent (2)

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The beginning is slow in this chapter, but there's a little bit more action near the end. The real romance has yet to come, but it will be there! Please tell me what you think of my story so far, Thanks!



My father grinned as he handed over the picture of my victim. Eagerly, I flipped over the picture and instantly my smile crashed into the floor. My angel's beautiful face shone back at me.

Happy birthday.

Chapter 2-

The sweet murmur of students buzzed in my ear with a familiar tune. Squeezing my way past the sweaty bodies roasting underneath the mid-day sun, memories of my few years of school came rushing back. The wave of wonderful sights and sounds crashed upon the shore of my mind. I can bet that I am the only person in this universe who actually wants to go to school. Obviously, it's not because I'm a goody-goody, (hello, gang member?) but the fact that school provides me with a taste of normal.

"Did you hear about Brittany and..."

"I heard that she got preg-"

"Hell no!"

I smirked at the chatter and gossip washing over me. Everyone was so shallow, so conceited, it was hard to imagine they could even fit their ego out the front door. Always wrapped up in their own little worlds, they remained oblivious to the dangers of reality, the dangers right in front of them: me.

"Hello." A voice behind me announced. "You must be new here. My name is Aileen. If you need anything, you can always find me." Spinning around, I came face to face with, who else, the angel from my fantasies.

Her eyes light up with a sparkle of joy and surprise. The twinkle in her eyes reminded of the stars on a clear, dark night. "Oh, you were that boy from the other day! I am so glad I ran into you again!"

"Nice meeting you here too. I didn't imagine I could catch up with you so soon!" Lies. "Aileen, that's a pretty name, meaning light in Greek."

"How did you know?"

"It was just something I kind of picked up somewhere." I told her, not bothering to inform her I was fluent in Greek, as well as four other languages not including English.

"" She gave me a questioning look, unsure.

"Cub." I let the name slide off my tongue without thinking. "Um, I meant, Ch-, uh Dylan." Lies, lies and more lies. I tried to keep from wincing as I kept my cover story.

"Right, Dylan." She gave me a cute little smile, laughter flickering through her eyes, filling me up with joy.

"Aileen," a voice called from somewhere within the mob of students. A blonde, pink and blue streaked haired girl emerged and fell in step with us. "I have been looking for you everywhere! Where were-. Oh, who's this?"

One glance and I could tell this new girl was different from Aileen as could be. Where Aileen was soft and gentle, she was loud and bold. The pure white that envelopes Aileen is replaced by black and tears on the girl.

"This is Dylan. He's new here so I decided to show him again. He's also, guy I ran into the other day." A faint blush spread across her cheeks and crept onto her neck. I felt myself give a small grin. "Dylan, this is my best friend, Jude." We both eyed each other warily, but Jude broke out of it first.

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