{ONE SHOT} Phil's Birthday

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Trigger Warning: some swearing, but that's all.

Dan's POV

I wiped my hands on my white apron, and got back to the bowl of cake frosting.

Phil's birthday was today, and I'm gonna suprise him with a cake. The only problem is, I'm terrible at baking, as seen in our baking videos. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

Phil isn't here right now, he's away with his family and he's coming home in a few hours. I check my watch. 3:30pm. He'll be back in around 2 hours. I put on my oven gloves and take the cake layers out of the oven.

"Ooh! Hot cake pan! Hot cake pan!" I mutter. I put one layer on a plate and remove my gloves. I top the first layer with icing and put the other on top of it. I spread the white icing around the cake, covering it. I design it, it's not totally perfect, but I did my best. Finally, I write 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL' onto it.


"Dan? Bear, I'm home!" I hear Phil's voice from the other room. Phil's home? Now?


I hear Phil's footsteps.


I panic. Where am I gonna hide this?

Shitshitshitshiiiiit. I grab the cake to hide it somewhere where Phil wouldn't find it. I look around. The fridge? Too obvious. The oven? C'mon he'd see that instantly. Maybe the-no. Or the-nope. Wait, maybe-

"Dan! There you are," Phil enters the room. Welp, I'm busted.

"...Hi Phil."

He looks at me, then at the cake. "Dan...what is...?" He points at the cake. I look at him awkwardly. "Uh...Happy Birthday...?" I say.

He giggles. "Dan, is that for me?" he asks. My boyfriend is such an idiot.

"Yes," i reply. "It was supposed to be my suprise for you." I can feel myself blush. He takes the cake from my hands. I look up and he suddenly hugs me. My eyes widen.

"I love you, Dan." Phil said. I sigh and hug him back. "I love you too." He kisses me. He pulls away, puts some frosting from the cake on his finger and onto my nose. "Boop!" He giggles. I do too.

I wipe the frosting off. "Dork."

He laughs. "Yeah, but I'm your dork."

A/N: Woopittyboop! Happy Birthday to our precious cinnamon angel bean, Phil! *blows party trumpet ribbon thingy* He's 30 years old now ohmygawd. Anywhoo, It's kinda sucky, sorry 'bout that. Till next time~

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