{AU} Roses and Tattoos

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A/N: Just basic Punk!Phil and Pastel!Dan 'cause I really like that AU.

Dan looked out of the flower shop window at the tattoo parlor across the street; Well, more specifically, the person infront of it.

He was looking at the handsome tattoo artist he had a crush on ever since he saw him. He had piercings, blue dyed hair, and his arms were covered in tattoos. Everyday at 1:00pm he would go on his break and light a cigarette, and everyday at 1:00 pm, Dan would always arrange the vases by the window to look at him.

"You're staring again," Dan was snapped out of his trance by his coworker, Anna. Dan blushed, rolled up the sleeves of his lavender sweater and continued to arrange the flowers. "Your little crush on him is really affecting your focus, Dan." She approached Dan and smirked slightly. Dan blushed again. "I-I don't have a
c-crush on him." Anna just laughed. "Actions speak louder than words, Daniel," She said in a matter-of-factly tone. Dan sighed. He looked outside and saw the tattoo artist go back inside.


The next day, Dan worked at the counter while Anna arranged the flowers. Dan was sitting at the counter, spinning a pen with his fingers. Suddenly he dropped it and it went under the counter. He leaned down to grab the pen, when he heard the chime on the door, meaning someone entered. He continued looking for the pen until he finally got it. "Gotcha!" he mumbled.

"Excuse me," He could tell someone was at the counter. "Yes?" He said, getting up. Then he realized who was standing there. It was him, the tattoo artist from across the street. With his blue hair, tattoos and piercings. Dan was in shock.

"Uh...hello?" The punk snapped his fingers in front of Dan's face. "O-oh! Sorry. Yes, h-how c-can I help y-you?" Dan stuttered. Great first impression, Dan.

"I would like to buy these," He handed Dan a bunch of light blue roses.
"Um...ok, that will be one pound," Dan replied. The punk handed him the note. "Thanks, Cutie." He winked. Dan's eyes widened and stayed silent.

"I'm Phil, the tattoo artist from across the street." Phil, Dan thought.
"I-I'm Dan," He replied.
Phil grinned at him. "Well Dan, I really like you, you seem really sweet. May I have your number?" Phil asked. Dan blushed wildly.


"...Dan?" He didn't realize that he zoned out. "O-oh yeah! H-here," Dan grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down his phone number and handed it to Phil. "Thanks again," Phil said and turned around. Dan smiled widely. He turned over to Anna, and she gave him a thumbs up. This is the best day of my life, Dan thought.

A/N: Awrite!! I've always wanted to write one of these. Bai! *dances away*

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