Chapter 2

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The echo suddenly started to fade after a long time of waiting, wondering why it wouldn't stop. This was not the world I was used to. And that girl: who was she? She looked like a different species of human.She was almost elf - like as she had big, pointed ears.

My whole body suddenly started to ache. It felt like I'd just fallen to the ground with a massive thump. I wish it would have knocked me back into reality, back to James; although it felt weird to say that name in my head. Things from my world were starting to fade.

Suddenly, the strange, elf-like girl walked back into view. My heart began to race at the sight of her, and my whole body began to shake ever so gently.

I tried to speak, but my mind went blank. My name. I knew it began with an R, but it was fading. My brain couldn't recall it. The girl was staring at me, blinking once in a while, which was very creepy. Her eyes did not leave , they just stared at me, waiting in anticipation for an awnser.

This world seemed so abstract,So strange.

Then, I began to run, as fast as my little legs would take me. The girl did not follow, to my relief.

I collapsed onto the ground as soon as I was far enough away, panting for air. Thick thunder clouds started to form, consuming every last beam of light. It towered over me, plunging the world into darkness. I curled up into a ball, trying to stay safe whilst the rain poured and the thunder struck.

All of a sudden, a faint whisper began to break through the blanket of cloud. A soft, calming voice;one I'm sure I recognised.

"My sweet girl! Oh Riley! Please wake up, I can't loose you. Emily is so worried and so is your dad and everyone in A-troupe.We are all here for you. Now come on, just wake up. If you can hear me Riley, open your eyes or move your hand. Let me know if you can hear me, please?"

I was sure this was my Mom, but things were still awfully fuzzy. The clouds began to clear. I tried with all my might to connect to the outside world. This was a different body I found myself in It was still me, but this body couldn't control the real one. I was powerless, trapped in this world I had no control of, no hope of ever escaping.What was I going to do?

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