Chapter 3

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      There was a sudden piercing pain through my head. A sharp object was been jabbed through the rigid bone of my skull, breaking shards of it off. I felt really out of it, out of control.

     After a while, all I could feel was an immense pressure in my head. The pain was dulled, but still constant.  I could hear a whisper of wind, gently calming me, as I lay against a tree, trying to endure the constant agony in my head.

     Suddenly, I heard a voice. It was familiar,  but I couldn't quite remember who it was, or whether I did really know them. The hallucinations had been really bad. I didn't feel like I could trust myself anymore.

    "Hello. This is Doctor Marsh here. I just want to let you know, if you can hear us at all, that you're in a coma. We have done a operation to remove pressure from your brain and stop internal bleeding. We hope you will wake up soon, but for now we have done all we can to help you recover as soon as possible. Now if you can hear us at all, please squeeze my hand, if you are able to."

     The voice sounded muffled,  but I could just make it out. It was a doctor. He told me I was in a coma, but I couldn't remember anything. I didn't know how I got in this strange world, but then I realised that I must have been in an accident, and that led me here. It wasn't a real alternative universe I had been transported to, it was a mental world that I was 'living' in until I recovered.

    I wanted to squeeze his hand more than anything; I just couldn't. My coordination had disintegrated, my muscles wouldn't move.  I couldn't  open my eyes, nor communicate with anyone in the outer world. I wanted to let them know I am safe, to make them have some hope that I will return. I wanted to fight this. I knew the fight wouldn't be easy, but it was one worth enduring to get back to the people I loved.

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