Chapter 4

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   After feeling incredibly drowsy and drifting off to sleep, I gradually woke up. My head ached and I still felt out of it, but things were becoming slightly clearer. The sky seemed brighter, noises seemed louder.

   I pushed against the tree and stood up, although my legs were wobbly, like a baby deer standing on ice. My knees buckled and I fell onto the uneven ground, grazing my knee in the process.

   Eventually, I managed to stay upright. I staggered over the river a few metres away and sat on the bank, splashing my face with cold water. My face felt fresh, but my head stang sharply when the water hit the top. I touched my scalp and felt a line of fresh stitches. I looked in the reflection of the waters surface and noticed a small patch of my hair had been shaven, most likely because the operation I had in the 'real' world. The stinging sensation continued for a few minutes and I tried not to touch my head, incase it set off the pain again.

   I tried to push up to stand again but immediately fell down. This time, the fall made everything go black. I started to panic. Did I die?

   Then, an enormous flash lit the space in front of me. The alternate universe had dissapered. Instead, I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by family and friends and doctors.

  "Guys! She's awake!" Someone screamed. I soon realised that it was James. He was by my hospital bed, looking exhausted, but happy.

   I tried to speak, but realised I couldn't move my mouth to communicate. The sensation in my hand had come back and I could just about squeeze his hand.

   "Doctor, she can't talk yet, but she squeezed my hand, is that a start? Is she getting better?" James asked.

   "Yes, she is getting better." The doctor said, reassuringly. " It will take some time for her to rehabilitate, but with time, she should fully recover. Comas are still not fully understood. It is believed when a extremely traumatic, painful accident happens, our brain shuts down temporarily to help recover, especially in head trauma patients."

    James looked really worried. The doctors words obviously reassured him a little , but there was still a part of him that seemed anxious. I seriously wanted to comfort him.

    The doctor said that he needed to give me medicine to help control the pain. James went to leave, smiling at me as he stood up. I squeezed his hand, to let him know that I loved him.

    "I love you too" he told me.

     As James left the room, a clunky, metal trolley was wheeled in. On it was a collection of scary looking medical equipment. It made my skin crawl at the sight of it.

     The moment the needle pricked my skin, a sharp stinging sensation radiated up my arm. It made me whince. However, the pain relief was almost instantaneous. My pain slowly diminished and I was able to relax a little bit. I felt a bit dozy and slowly I found myself falling into a light sleep; peacefully drifting between concious and unconciousness.





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