Chapter 5: Please Don't go......

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As frisk continued walking down to the underground again, she heard Papyrus from faraway like he was disappointed of something. "How did they went so far from the barrier, they are really fast." Said Frisk. She heard voices echoing around her making her body shiver, she turned around to see if anybody was behind her. And she was right, a goopy creature was behind her looking at the ground. She looked at it more closely and realized there was two hands in front of it with holes on its palms, Then looked at its face, it looked similar to like a skeleton but with cracks on each eye. As soon as she took a step closer, she realized who it was, "G...Gaster?" Said Frisk. Gaster looked up at Frisk, "Ch...Child..." Said Gaster. Frisk walked closer towards  Gaster  touching his hand softly. Gaster put on of his hands on Frisk's shoulder. "You... freed everyone... I'm so proud of you." said Gaster. "Thank you," replied Frisk. "But... I must warn you... you will not last long before... you die." said Gaster. "Wait what! What do you mean!?" Replied Frisk. "What I mean is that-" Gaster was cut off by Asriel in the distance. "Frisk! Where are you?" Said Asriel as his voice started to echo around the cave. "I have to go now... I'll see you another time if I can... goodbye." said Gaster. "Wait please don't go, what do you mean that I'll die?" said Frisk. But before she could ask another question, Gaster was gone. "G...Gaster..." said Frisk. "Oh Frisk there you are I was worried tha... are you okay?" Asked Asriel. frisk turned around and saw Asriel behind her with a worried face, "Oh um yeah I'm okay why do you ask?" Replied Frisk. "Well I saw you looking like if you were talking to someone, were you?" Replied Asriel. "Oh, I was just staring at behind me before I coming here..." she knew that sounded like a bad response. "Oh okay, everyone was waiting for you until we were worried that you might of been lost so I decided to look for you." Said Asriel. "Oh well I was about to go find all of you until I kind of tripped on a rock." Replied frisk. "Okay, want to continue on before night falls?" Asked Asriel. "Sure." she replied. He let out his hand to let Frisk grab on his hand, Frisk let out her hand and grabbed on to Asriel's hand as they continued to walk forward.

(After finding their friends, they all returned to their homes to get some sleep, as for Frisk, Sans and Papyrus let her Sleep at their place for the night.)            

Sans opened their door, shivering from the air outside coming inside the house. As they closed the door, Papyrus brought a blanket for Frisk to cover her self from the cold. Both skeletons sat beside her on the couch tired from what happen today. As Frisk was about to say something, both brothers hugged Frisk making her flinch in surprised, "Frisk don't ever scare us like that again," Said Sans. "Yes,  don't do that again, please," Said Papyrus. Frisk looked up at them, "Okay I wont, I promise," she replied. As soon as she was going to say something else, both brothers fell fast a sleep. Frisk smiled at both at them and got her self comfy (because she can't really move from being hugged by the skeletons), she started to think of what Gaster said to her "You wont last long before you die," making her question a lot of things but was to tired to think as she slowly fell asleep hugging back at both Sans and Papyrus.

(Done with Chapter 5 and pretty soon will start Chapter 6..... Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story, I've been taking my time to do this for all of you so, once again hope you liked this story and see you in the next chapter bye~ Chibibon      

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now