Chapter 13

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Zoey's Pov:

I get out of my car and walk into the school, I'm thirty minutes late but who gives a fuck? They should be happy I even showed up. I wanted to skip today and spend time with Demi but she said that she'd be mad at me if I did because, quote "education is more important than spending time with your girlfriend" I think that's bullshit but she refused to talk to me until I promised to go to school. So here I am.

I walk down the empty hallways and grab some books from my locker. Then I walk to the room in which I have advanced math class. I open the door and throw it shut behind me. The whole class stares at me but I ignore them as I walk to my seat in the far left corner.

"How nice of you to finally join us, Zoey" Miss Green says sarcastically, she doesn't like me because I never do anything in her class and I make her life a lot harder than it has to be but she can't kick me out of the advanced program because I'm a straight A student.

"How nice of you to finally shave your mustache" I tell her as she glares at me, then she points her finger to the door and yells "PRINCIPALS OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!!" I smirk and get up. She hands me a note and I walk out of the classroom. Instead of going to the office I walk out of the school and shove my hands in the pockets of my coat. I walk down the street and towards the Starbucks that's a block away from my school. Hey, I promised Demi I'd go to school, I never said anything about staying there. Every monday morning I do the same. I come in late, bully Miss Green into kicking me out of the classroom and then I go to Starbucks and have my morning coffee. After a minute of walking I see a flash from the corner of my eye, I turn around and see a man with a camera following me. Great, just what I need, paparazzi. I flip him off and continue walking. When I go in the starbucks he stays outside, thank God. I sit down at a table after I get my capuchino and pull my phone out of my pocket, I see I have a text from Demi.

Where r u? Im @ ur school I was goin 2 surprise u but ur not here

Demi's at my school? Why? I quickly text back.

I'll be there in 5

I get up and walk out of the store while sipping my drink. There are now three men with camera's yelling questions at me. But I just continue walking and ignore them.

"Are you dating Demi?"

"Why aren't you in school?"

"Is Demi a lesbian?"

"Are you in love?"

"Did you get expelled"

I just ignore them untill I get to school, the bell rings the minute I walk in, so I go to my English class and sit in my seat which is (just like in all my other classes) in the far left corner of the room. I get my phone out of my pocket and text Demi.

I'm here. I hope you're happy because I sure as hell am not :)

I put the smiley face at the end to show her I'm kidding. I get my earphones out of my pocket and put them in. I start listening to Unbroken and doodling in my notebook while Mr Sullivan starts class. Mr. Sullivan is my favorite teacher, he's really good at what he does and he leaves me to do my thing, as long as I finish my work in time everything's fine. He has one simple rule, if you respect him he respects you. After a minute or so someone sits on top of my table.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I say before I look up, when I do I see Demi looking at me with an amused look on her face.

"Sorry to interupt you princess but I was trying to give a speech and it'd be nice if you listened" She says while a smirk.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Nice to see you too" She says sarcastically, I blush "Sorry"

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