Short and Fragment stories

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I jolt upright in bed. The nightmare slipping away from me as I try desperately to remember anything. All I remember is the sensation of falling. I look around the room, everything seems so vivid, even in the dark. My skin feels like its melting, but I'm not sweating. I've woken up like this before, the last few months it's happened almost every night, but not like this. I've never felt this squirming feeling like I need to get up and do something. I've never felt so warm. I throw my blankets off, I'm wearing nothing but a large shirt. I usually rush to the bathroom and run a bath of cold water, but today I throw open the window. The night's breeze rushes in, but it does nothing to cool me. The air outside smells like rain, the gray clouds above are full to bursting. I close my eyes and I breathe in the night time smells. It smells like freedom. I gasp in pain as the burning sensation increases. It feels like I'm on fire. I double over and fall to the floor. I can't scream or cry out. I feel like my voice has burned up in the heat. How can I possibly survive this? I close my eyes trying to breathe. The heat never lessens, but suddenly... it's no longer painful. It is simply there. I open my eyes again, but something is different. Something is wrong. I stretch out, feeling different. I can see more than I ever could. No, Something is right. I brush the ceiling, jumping at the sensation, claws skitter across my wood bedroom floor. Pain explodes, but the sensation is alien. I turn to look behind me. My breath is caught in my throat. Red scales cover a body that is not mine. wings stretched out , and a long tail. The tail is throbbing in pain. I look out the window, still myself, and i feel the urge to take flight. It feels so normal... but I've never felt like this before. Like a second nature. My clothes lay in ruins, torn bits still clinging to my scales. This is a dream. It has to be a dream... I walk forward, stretching my neck and head out of the two story window. The smells are amplified. I hardly notice the burning sensation that has grown, it seems normal. I back up until my back legs are up on my bed.. I fold in my wings, hoping that I'll fit through the window. I crouch, the feeling seems right. I wait... should I do this? What do I have to lose? The rain has started. I can hear it pittering across the roof. I can see if falling outside the window. Without a decision, my body moves, Pushing off the bed and launching me out the window. I can hear the bed forcefully sliding across the wood floor, I'm out of the window, my wings are pinned to my sides. I fall towards the earth, before jerking my leathery wings open and catching air, gliding across ground. I beat my wings, and I'm rising straight into the air. My body seems to move of its own accord, like a memorized dance. The rain beats against my warm scales. Rising, falling, gliding, it's like something i've never known. The sensation of flight feels almost intoxicating, I rise height into the sky, and drop, letting the sensation of falling fill me before rising upwards again. Twisting, and rolling in the air. A pure joy fills me.

And then it's over. I wake, and its still dark. I am laying naked in the cold, wet grass behind the house. My body has returned to normal temperature. I don't question the reality. I know what happened. and i know that it was real. I feel a power that i've never felt. I feel an inner fire. And as I reach inside myself...I feel my skin heat up like the night before, but this time the burning sensation isn't as painful. It's comforting, like a warm blanket, or a familiar set of arms wrapping around me. I could become the dragon anytime I wished. I felt a quirk of a smile touch my lips as I rushed inside to get dressed before anyone woke up.

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