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One second he was smiling at me, his face full of cheer and the next he was on the tile floor. In alll the years i'd known my bother I'd never seen him have a vision. He could usually control them, to some degree. Hold them back until the time was right, until he could hid somewhere away from him. So i didn't have to see it.

The glasses my brother wore to hide his terrified eyes crashed to the ground, slid across the floor, away from him. His chilling clouded blue eyes wide open staring at the ceiling, into nothingness. His whole body was stiff, his back arched and mouth open as if screaming, not a sound tumbled passed his lips, he started shaking uncontrollably. Then the real vision started. Kismet bucked his body twitching and jerking without any control. His body dropped and arched. Tears gathered into his eyes, and pooled out of them, but he never blinked, never spoke, he never even breathed. He couldn't. His hands smashed into the walls and tiled floor. His head hit the hard floor. He hand no control. I stared in horror as he started to turn a blue color from lack of air.

" Breathe!" I screamed at him, shaking in fear from the sight of so much pain my borthers face I was terrified.

A tiny wheeze of air was taken into my brothers lungs. His body went stiff again. His fingernails digging into the pals of his hands. He had one last shaking spasm before dropping, his muscles relaxing. He was covered in sweat. He had down that for almost ten minutes. All i could do was watching in horror. He panted for a second before rolling over onto his hands and knees.

Then puked all of the kitchen floor. Emptying his stomach out only to dry-heave ones again. I held his hair from his face. His body shook hare.

I know why my brother was afraid of me seeing his episodes, she coughed, suggested. My hands shook. I could smell the sour smell of his vomit, and sweat. But lingering was the smell of blood. I helped my brother stand, he leaned heavy against me resting his head on mine, chest heaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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