Short Story: Erik Olsen

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"I don't want to lose you, Kamira, love, stay with me!" Erik screamed at the dying woman.
"Erik, don't yell, dear. I love you."
The funeral broke him. Many people came, Kamira's family, Erik's friends. Archer was dressed in clad black, speaking lowly to Erik. Olsen was skulking, keeping a distance from Balewa's lifeless body.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Will you be okay?"
"That's what they all ask me. Archer Thibaud, you can do better than that."
"She's DEAD, Archer. I won't be 'okay'. She's dead."                                               
Erik's fangs grew immensely, his eyes balls of white hot burning intensity. His form stirred, reverting to a dark wisp. Where his heart used to be was a pink core, beating with light. Everyone screamed of terror, they had never seen anger as a physical state until now.
"Erik! Stop this!"
Erik snapped, crying tears of blood, and rushed through the crowd. It was a funeral of mass murder. Throats were ripped out, hearts were torn from their chests. He couldn't feel. He didn't know. He didn't know he was killing his love's family, he didn't care. Archer quickly grabbed at Erik's arm, which was about to tear out another beating heart. Erik was so cold, Archer let go immediately, the freezing cold giving his hand searing pain. Erik instantly quirked his head to the side, glaring at Archer. His eyes were red. Blood red. How could his best friend lose control like this? Thibaud yelled at the vampire.
"ERIK! Erik, I know you miss her!" Wisps of dark smoke danced around the vampire. He gripped his blonde hair, tugging it taut, and screeched.
"I can't! Archer, it hurts. It hurts so much, why does love feel like this?!" The core cooled itself, but the beating becoming more drastic. Archer reached out once again. Slowly he put an arm around Erik, now warm, pulling him into a tight embrace.
"She loved you. She would want you to move on, Erik." The once dissipating wisp reverted back into actual skin. The blood looked a darker shade now. Erik whispered quietly,             
"I miss her."
Erik woke up in a bed. The memories came pouring into his mind like a flood. He had killed her family. He had killed his lover's family. He choked on his gasps, tears beginning to flow again. The door in front of the bed swung open. It was Alex.
"Good morning Erik. I apologize. Archer told me everything. I'm here to help." the bloodsucker.
"but you have to accept that she's gone, my friend!"
Erik's face contorted from anger to anguish and grief. His bloodstained cheeks and chin glistened from his core.

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