Short Story: Kamira and Erik

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The blow left a stinging pain on his reddening cheek. He rubbed at the area, eyes widening at Kamira's action. He stuttered, trying to find words to say, but nothing came out.
"I can't believe you!" Kamira yelled, her tone full of anger, leaving Erik in a tiny corner. "You expect to say that word and get away with it?" Big mistake, Erik. Big mistake. And what he said next was an even bigger mistake he could possibly make.
"I'm just stating a word," his voice complete of ignorance,"it's not like it matters! It's been a lifetime since the blacks have been enslaved." A tear stormed down Kamira's cheek. She could not believe this was happening.
Her love was being uncooperative and worst of all, neglecting his racism.
"Don't you EVER call us 'the blacks'! I-I am a person. We are people. I can't--" Her sobs broke her off. Still, Erik did not listen.
"Kamira, you've got to be kidding. I've lived longer than you and you think I haven't seen pain? This shouldn't be anything painful, so stop crying." His cheek was still red. Kamira looked up and stared straight in Erik's pink irises, beautiful as they might seem, dilating, almost pulsing at her. His fangs were showing. He was aggravated. But why? He's a white man who doesn't know prejudice, he doesn't know anything! Kamira always forgave, but right now, the odds were testing her ability to be patient.
"Stupid! Stupid, stupid Erik! You are a white man! You've always had power! You don't know the fear of being a black person! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" she screeched. Then like a miracle, as if it had clicked in his mind, Erik realized his horrible mistake. She could tell by the way Erik stepped forward, slowly, cupping her tearstained cheek.
"I'm sorry, but I--"
"But what, Erik? Look at me, straight in the eyes and call me it. The word was used to shut us up, to keep us in place." She quirked her head towards his hand. "So keep me in place..." He clenched his teeth and set his jaw. His brows furrowed as if in thought, but he closed his eyes and soon he was crying as well. He couldn't. He wasn’t going to hurt his love ever again.
"I'm sorry, Kamira, my queen. Please--" he choked on his gasp"--please forgive me..." And as if the light had flickered in the back of her eyes, she instantly pulled her boyfriend into a tight hug, a lover's embrace. Her chin rested of his shoulder as she whispered,
"I forgive you." She pulled back and deadpanned, almost glaring at him.
"Don't ever do that again." A shudder ran through Erik's spine. She was scary sometimes. Gulping, he nodded. And as if the sting couldn't return, he was met with a harder slap to his face. He didn't care. He deserved it.

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