Back off, bloodsucker.

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Erik stared directly at Archer, who was scrolling the web (most likely looking at memes) on his phone. It didn't take long for Archer to notice Erik's piercing gaze. It was almost impossible for him to read the vampire's expression; the only thing that indicated Erik was in deep thought was the evident black smoke plummeting from his body, his eyes a fiery red instead of pink.
"Whatcha thinking about, friend?" asked Mr. Thibaud, quirking his head to the left and closed his phone. It seemed like an hour before his old friend of death responded.
"I want to bite you." Archer’s eyebrows raised unnaturally high at the idea.
"Woah, where is this coming from?" Erik tilted his chin. Even in bright light, his eye sockets looked deep with dark circles. He hadn't aged.
"Excluding...Kamira, I've tasted everyone I've known's blood. Except you. Let me drink your blood."
Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Archer scratched his head and rubbed the back of his neck.
Like magic, the smoke emitting from Erik disappeared and his irises returned to his normal pink. He glared, but for a split second. The vampire laughed, baring his fangs and spat out a "Fine," like the word was venom. Archer’s faced scrunched up and returned to browsing the meme page. He glanced at Erik who was taking out a pack of cigarettes from Archer's personal stash. He shut his own mouth before he could shout at his friend, and instead sighed. Soon, Erik was out on the balcony, getting HIGH-- no, getting out his lighter.
   Erik entered the dark room. He stared up at the clock. Midnight. Olsen returned the pack back to where he found them and stalked over to his friend's room. Reverting into mist, he snuck through the cracks of the door to prevent sound. There he is. That mother-- A loud groan interrupted his thoughts. Whatever Archer was dreaming about, Erik did not want to know. And as if destined to happen, Archer was shirtless and his neck out in the open. He was just begging to be bitten. (weird Erik logic but hey, that's him) He quickly crept to the unconscious man. The scent of his blood awakened Erik's hunting instincts, and the vampire carefully guided his mouth over the exposed neck. His teeth scraped lightly over where a vein rested. (god this is getting unintentionally kinky i'm sorry haley) Erik bit and sucked. (hALEY IMSORRY) Blood gushed into his mouth. It didn't take long before Erik pushed away from Archer. His blood tasted disgusting. He was ingesting poison-like blood and struggled to cough the substance out. Archer’s eyes twitched, before fully opening. He was met with the sight of Erik coughing terribly, choking on blood-- his blood. Archer surged off the bed and pinned Erik to the ground with a growl.
"Did you expect my blood to taste good? You know I'm a werewolf, fool!"
Erik wheezed.
"If you told me, I hadn’t-- unh--heard!"
Archer facepalmed himself so hard, he knew it would turn red. "You know I don't listen to you with all the stupid shit you talk abou-- is that your dick-- WHY ARE YOU NAKED RIGHT NOW? GET OFF ME OR I WILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!"
And it was just like this Harsh threats were exchanged between each other the rest of the night.
(Needless to say, Erik kept his fangs to himself, and unfortunately, Archer did not keep his dick to himself. As a precaution, he slept naked more. To not let the vampire-bugs bite.)
   Erik accepted the cup of actual human blood from Alex.
"Have you learnt your lesson?" she snickered. "Archer’s been victim to lycanthropy for a near decade. Damn cousin got himself scratched by one."
She caught him staring. "...No, Erik. I'm not a werewolf." Alex Dionne checked the time on her phone and clicked her tongue. "Tend to yourself, chérie. I've got a date with Ahilea and she is not going to like learning that I've been spending more time with a rotten vampire than her."
"Hah. Just kidding, she likes you. Bye!" And just like that, the door slammed behind her. Erik, alone in Alex's secret 'lair', stretched his jaw. He grimaced, the taste of the werewolf's blood still fresh on his tongue.
"Ah, fuck me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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