Loss pt.2

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Victor comes to Phitchits house all drunk and rambling about absolute nonsense, he eventually falls asleep on phitchits couch whenever Yuuri has Mika over, Phitchit being the sweetheart he is always allows Victor over whether drunk or not. The next day, Victor wakes up and sighs realizing what happened last night and why he was here, he couldn't get Yuuri off his mind. He saw Phitchit come from the kitchen to sit down next to him, "Can you drive me home, please?", Victor said in a sweet tone because he realized Yuuri was probably worried about him, so Phitchit agreed then drove him home.


Victor was finally home alone with Yuuri and they started to have a normal everyday conversation like they usually do, with a bunch of laughs and stuff and cracking jokes to make Victor feel better when he would lie to Yuuri about why he was upset. Yuuri's heart started beating really fast while talking to Victor so he stopped and started explaining to Victor what was going on, so Victor replied, "I don't know, Yuuri-- Same things happening to me--". Yuuri sighed then got up and locked himself in the bathroom for a while, he splashed water on his face them looked at himself in the mirror, "What's wrong with me..", he sighed as he realized he was in love with Victor. Yuuri was about to come out of the bathroom when he noticed Victor was leaning against the door and he got hit in the face with the door, "Shh! Yurio and Otabek are sleeping!", Victor whispers to him as Yuuri nods in acknowledgement.

(( sorry it's so short, but I just don't wanna rush things too fast so you'll be left on a cliff hanger until tomorrow :^) ))

Love & loss ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri AUWhere stories live. Discover now