Chapter 3

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"Roseanne.." I hear a faint voice.

"Roseanne!!!" My mom's voice vibrates throughout my entire body.

"YES!!" I react to her screech "yess..." I fall back to sleep.

After a constant battle between my bed and soul, I give up and go down to the kitchen.

"Here. Eat this first" she hand me a bowl filled with fruits.

"First? What's next? A tray full of fruits" I giggle and my dad peeks up his newspaper telling me to keep quiet. My mother sigh heavily.

"Oppss.." I quietly gobble down the fruits.

"What's next Chef Park?" I ask.

"Don't tease me. Here eat this" she hands me a plate of toast and scrambled egg. My favourite. I eat a spoonful of the egg.

"Mmmm..." I immediately sensed foodgasm. I missed my mom's cooking. This isn't any ordinary scrambled egg. It's Mrs. Park's scramble egg. There is something that eomma adds that makes it so delicious "Thanks mom!"

"For how long will you be staying?" My dad asked.

"Ya appa!! I just reached here a few days ago and you're already asking me when I'm leaving" I argue.

"No my dear daughter. We just want to know when you'll be leaving so that we can arrange plans and trips"

"I don't know I think I'll stay here" I said "....for a long time"

"I Skyped with Lisa and Jeanie last night. The stocks are dropping after you've left" my mom said "Have you been in touch with them?"

"Yes I have been. I heard about the stocks" I reply "Don't worry. We'll be launching a new product soon so the graph will rise again"

"Ah that's a relief" my mom said "Where are you doing today?"

"I don't know. Is there a fun place around?" I ask.

"How do you define a fun place?" Dad questioned me.

"I don't know like a basket ball court" I initiate my bucket list

"There is a basketball court just behind our house" dad said.

"Remember the time when Rosè won a trophy when she was 7" my mom reminisced.

"Back then she was a total tomboy" dad laughed at me.

I went to my room and packed my sportswear and black under armour shoes. I threw in my water bottle and towel in the bag. When I stepped down I wasn't surprised to hear my mother still talking.

"...She used to spike her hair and...." I cut my mom.

"I'm leaving. Bye"

Once my childhood stories start there is no end to it.

"Here here" my mom hands me a bowl of yoghurt "Eat this while going"

Of course there was something else.

The court was filled with high school boys. I speculated them for a while. Out of ten, there were only a handful of good players. The best player was a boy with light blonde hair. He wore on a mask and a red bandana around his head.

Before I step in there is a sign which read "NO GIRLS". How sexist I thought. Let's teach them a lesson. I thanked god for wearing my oversized black hoodie. I went to the bathroom and changed into my red Jordan shorts. I tied my hair into a bun and covered it with a cap. I wore on a mask.

I stepped into the court and was relieved to get no attention.

"Yo. Wassap?" I faked my manliest voice.

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