Side effectes

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We got home save from the lake and this time I went home with Rumple the man and not the beast.

"Belle! I can't find my leather pants! They need to be here somewhere!?"

"Have you even checked the closet?!"
"No...Oh here they are! Thanks"

Days had passed since we got home from the lake, Everything was amazing.
Rumple not being obsessed with his power, him never being able to find his pants.
But at the same time something just felt wrong, not with Rumple but with me.
I had been having these terrible headaches and I had been dizzy.
I didn't tell Rumple, I knew he was just going to freak thinking I'm dying or something.

~A couple days later~
I was still dizzy..but still I didn't tell him.
I went up to our bedroom to fold some clothes. I walked in and the window was open, it was cold but I didn't mind.
About a minute before I was done with folding the clothes this annoying fly got in the room it kept flying around my head, It was driving me crazy.
When I was done with the clothes the fly was still there I couldn't take it anymore I aggressively moved my hand against the fly trying to smack it when the door closed all by itself the second I moved my hand.
"Rumple?" No answer, it wasn't him it couldn't be me...I don't have magic. I tried to move my hand again this time trying to open the door, and it worked .
"What's happening to me"
I almost fainted. It doesn't make any sense I don't have magic!
"Belle? Something wrong?"
No..I'm fine I know that didn't sound convincing at all.
I walked down stairs I saw Rumple sitting at the massive table all by him self.
"You hungry?" He asked.
Kinda...I'll go make something. No no I'll do it Rumple said as he was about to do it with his magic
No! I said using my new magic I threw a pan across the room with out even thinking
About it.
"Belle?" He looked scared as hell.
"What's going on" he slowly walked over to me.
"I don't know"

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