Grade Eight

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The Everest's and the Nixon's hit the road in their summer clothes with their bathing suits in pool bags. It was eleven in the morning and 95 degrees. The air conditioner in the Nixon's family van was blasting, though it did little to nothing to calm the irritable teens who were forced to pack tightly together in a backseat meant for only two.

"Shayle, if you don't stop nudging me with your elbow, I promise to God–"

"Where else is my elbow supposed to go? You have a problem with it? Then get out of the car."

"I would gladly get out of the car if it wasn't going 70 miles per hour on the highway."

Jesse's senior sister by two years, Beth, and Shayle went on and on for another ten minutes until Beth decided that she'd much rather tune her out with Panic! At The Disco.

"I don't mean to sound like a little six year old but..." Shayle began, "Exactly how long do we have until we reach our destination?"

"Might as well just ask 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'" Jesse muttered.

"We're almost there, just about 45 minutes left," Shayle's mother answered.

"Might as well just say 'We're almost there, just more than half way to go.'"

Shayle groaned. "I might just drown myself in the pool if it means having to ride back for this long."


"Okay, I really only have three opinions. The polka dotted one piece is cute, but I cannot be seen in something like that."

"Why not?" Shayle asked. "It's nice."

Beth chuckled. "I figured you would say that. Shay, it's a one piece. What am I, twelve? No offence by the way, you're precious."

"I turned thirteen three months ago but okay."

"Oh. So what do you think about this one?"

Beth held the two piece white and gold bathing suit up to her toweled body. "Cute, yes?"

"Definitely. But I thought your mom said to wear the dotted one."

Beth rolled her eyes. "I would jump off a cliff before I wear that horrid suit again. I've had it since sixth grade. Like, come on. You understand my distress here, right?"


She stepped into the stall to change into the two piece bathing suit. "This is nice. We barely get to hang out and just talk about us, you know?"

More like talk about you, Shayle thought.

"Does your mom have anything against you wearing a two piece?"

"She doesn't, but I'd much rather just wear a one piece suit. it's more comfortable for me."

"That's exactly why you shouldn't wear a one piece."

Shayle frowned at the stall door Beth was changing behind. "What? Why?"

"Shay, take it from me. If you spend your entire life staying in your comfort zone, you'll never truly know how it feels to be spontaneous and new. You should wear my black two piece. it's in my bag."

"I'm okay, Beth."

"Do it, Shay. You might meet the man of your dreams today. Do you really want the man of your dreams seeing you in a Princess Tiana one piece?"

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with Princess Tiana."

Beth laughed. "Okay, okay, true. Try it on. When I get out of here I wanna see the two piece on you."

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