This Isn't Real

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Valeria would be here any minute, and I wasn't done getting ready. I had dug through my closet, and finally found an outfit. I picked out some jean shorts, and they were short, black heels, and a white crop top that said, "Party" on it. I finished off with flat ironing my hair, and for make up I did a black wing. I was finishing putting on my lipstick, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled. I opened the door, it was Valeria.

"Hey gurl!" She yelled.

"Sup Vale?" I responded, giving her hug.

"Just the club! You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah let me just grab my phone." I said.

"You don't need it, come on, you look beautiful." Valeria said with a smile.

"You too." I responded. Everyone always told me my eyes were pretty, even Bruno. I locked the door, keys in my hand. We were ealking down the stairs when I ran into Fin.

"Hey Elaina!" He almost yelled.

"Hey Fin, how's it going?" I asked, giving him a little hug.

"Good, good, it's been a while." He said, it was true. He was my last boyfriend after Bruno.

"Yeah I know." I said.

"Ahem." Valeria interrupted.

"Oh I'm sorry. Fin this is Valeria, Valeria this is Fin." I said, and stepped back so they could shake hands.

"Hi." Valeria said shyly, she liked him.

"Hi there." Fin said with a smile, great, now they were going to be that lovey dubey couple, and here I was, alone. I told Valeria I would wait in the car so she and Fin could flirt. I sat in the car, waiting for Valeria to go to the club with. It took thirty minutes before a blushy and smiley Valeria came out of the complex and into the driver's seat.

"Well hello, do you have a new boyfriend now?" I asked, sitting up and buckling my seatbelt.

"No..." She said with a smile, I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go anyway." I said, it took thirty minutes for us to get to the club where there was a long ass line.

"Vale!" I yelled as we passed by to parking.

"What?" She responded.

"Did you see that line?" I asked.

"Don't worry, we're going to use you to get in." She said, parking the car with a mischevious smile.

"Me? What do you mean use me?"


"You got this?" Vale asked me.

"I guess." I responded, I tightened the strap on my bra, and pulled down my shirt a little. "Alright." I said, Vale walked with me to the side, where the security guard with the list was.

"Hi there." I said, seductively, leaning on the rope, sticking out my butt.

"You on the list?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said, beginning to make my eyes seem desperate. "am I?" I asked.

"W-well." He stuttred, perfect.

"Please?" I said, curling my lip.

"Ok-kay." He said, I went on my tip toes,

"Thank you." I said, and kissed him on the cheek, he blushed. He opened the rope, and I grabbed Valeria's arm, dragging her in with me. As we were entering I could hear everyone protest, whatever.

Saving Bruno (Bruno Mars FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang