I'll Do Anything

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"Phil what in the entire fuck do you mean you can not find her?!" I yelled.

"I got here and she was gone." Phil said sadly, looking down at the coffee he had made.

"How did you even know-"

"He called me." Phil said, he was hurt, really hurt, so was I. I sat at the table in the chair next to his, putting my hand on his shoulder. "This is all my fault El." Phil said.

"It's not your fault, what did he-" I tried to say, feeling a lump in my throat. I didn't realize that at the club would be the last time I saw Bruno. To hear his final words, or get him back, I'd do anything.

"He called me, talking softly, stuttering a lot." Phil explained, rubbing his forehead. "I answered, his first words were,

'Phil,' Then he had taken a pause,  I was immediately alarmed, Bruno's never quiet as you know." I nodded my head. "I immediately asked him what was wrong, his exact words were,

'Jessica, g-g-g-gun' I asked where he was,


Phil explained, a tear coming from his left eye, I wiped it away, tears coming from my eyes. "I told him to hang tight, stayed on the phone and rushed here. I got here, and he was already white and shaking really bad." Phil explained, anger starting to form in his eyes. "I kneeled by him, waiting for the paramedics I had called from the car on the way here. El he looked scared, for the first time I saw him scared El." Phil said, shaking his head, I can't imagine seing Bruno scared, he was strong. "He pulled me closer, grabbing my shirt, his voice was barely a whisper." Phil explained.

"'Tell El,'

He urged out before saying anything else." I immediately felt myself stiffen up, paralyzed. Bruno's final words were for me? I felt bad, I left him, and his final words were for me. "I had told him to breathe, but he wouldn't listen.

'I love her.'" Phil took a pause, and looked at me with a pained and sympathetic face.

"A-and t-t-then?" I asked.

"I kept telling him to breathe, he again pulled me closer, barely audible.


He had ordered, I nodded my head yes, and told him I promised. He started shaking even worse, his grip lightning from my shirt. He moved his head back, looking up, taking quick breaths. I told him to stay with me, he kept looking up, slowly stopping to breathe." Phil explained, breaking down, sobbing. I led his face into my shoulder, he kept crying.

"I'm r-r-really sor-r-ry Ph-Phil." I said through my own crying, I rubbed my hand up and down his back in comfort. Phil moved back, I let go.

"He coughed up blood, looked at me, giving me a small smile full of pain. T-then, he looked up again at the ceiling, for the final time before-" Phil explained. "He stopped breathing." Phil explained, then breaking down.

"I'm sorry Phil." I said, rubbing his shoulder. He abruptly stood up from his chair, walking to the window, he was scaring me.

"How could he do this?! How could he leave me?! How?! How?!" Phil repeated, I stood up and made my way to him.

"You know this isn't his fault either." I said.

"I knew he shouldn't have been with Jessica! I knew it! I told him too! He didn't listen!" Phil yelled.

"Phil I'm sorry, really I am, and I know this is hard but you can't lose your temper." I said soothingly.

"El! He left us!" Phil whined, shaking his head. "He just left us." He whined again, shaking his head. I slowly started to let him cry into me as he started crying again. "El, he left." Phil whispered. Truth is, I didn't know how to feel, everything hadn't processed yet.

"Phil?" A soft woman's voice asked, Phil slowly looked up, still holding on to me.

"Urbana." He sighed out of relief, then walking to her. He took her by the shoulders. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was watching the news when I saw everyone talking about Bruno's ho-" She stopped, her eyes widened, I realized why. Down the stairs came Bruno's body bag, Bruno inside, hidden from everyone in the black bag. "Phil, please tell me that's not-" She said, fear in her eyes, she was beginning to cry. "Phil." She began to cry, my phone began to vibrate. I looked at it, not recognizing the number. I answered it and walked over to the kitchen.

Me: Hello?

A part of me wished it was Bruno calling, and that this was all some sick joke.

Other Line: Why'd did you steal my car?!

It was the guy at my apartment.

Me: Please don't be mad, it was for a good reason, I didn't steal it. 

Other Line: How could I not be mad?!

Damnit why wouldn't he let me explain.

Me: Look calm down, I'll be back in thirty.

I hung up, sighed and walked to Phil.

"Phil I have to go, do you want to meet up later?" I asked, almost a whisper.

"Who are you?" Phil's wife asked.

"Urbana this is Bruno's ex girlfriend, Elaina." Phil said, wiping his eyes.

"Hi." I said with a small smile.

"Hello, sorry, I'm just a little protective." Urbana said. 

"I get it, well it was nice to meet you up, I have to go, but I'll see you guys later." I said, quickly leaving this scene. As I was making my way to the car, all the reporters came, paprazzi, everyone. I took Bruno's advice.


"Babe, what about the paprazzii?" I asked, looking at Bruno, his eyes, perfect.

"Don't listen to them, I mean, why should you let other people define you?" Bruno responded, he was so sweet.

"Okay babe, I won't."

*End Of Flashback*

I took those words, and used them now. I ignored everone around me, sucesfully making it to my car. I immediatley drove off, just onto the highway, away from everything. I got to an area where there was nothing, and pulled over. I sat in the car, reality suddenly hitting me, everything started to sink in. Bruno was gone, and never coming back, ever. I started to cry hysterically, realizing I couldn't fix any of this. I felt so little, not being able to do anything to help anyone. Suddenly, a person appeared in my seat, an old man, who seemed gentle.

"What's the problem sweetie?" I jumped in my seat, startled.

"How did you even-"

"That's not important, I can help you with your problem." He said.

"What?" I blurted out.

"You want to get Bruno back right?" He asked.

"Your scaring me, how do you know this?" I asked.

"You'll soon learn, depending on how bad you want Bruno back." He said.

"I really do want him back, I'd do anything." I pleaded.

"Anything?" He asked in reply.

"Anything." I replied.

"Okay, if you're willing to do anything, I think I can solve your problem." He said.

"Go on." I replied out of curiousity. This plan, I know I said I'd do anything, but, this was like giving my soul to the devil.

Saving Bruno (Bruno Mars FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang