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7:30 a.m.
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID so see it was my mom. " Why the hell aren't you at school right now!?" " Because it isn't ti- oh shit it's 7:30! Ok I got to go mom see you later!" I hung up and hurried to get ready.

I run around to find a black shirt and black skinny jeans. I go to the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I grab my phone and bag and head to my motorcycle.

I'm and what people call a "bad boy". I wear black, have piercings, tattoos, and drive a motorcycle. But that's it. I'm not rude or anything, I just hate the world. I'm actually really sweet. But, no one needs to know that.

Once I get to school I get checked in and head to my first class. No one is in the hallways because class has started, except for one person.

Hello! This is my first Phanfiction so this will probably be terrible, but hey I am trying my best!
Alright, good bye my people!

Who Knew Bad Boys Were Sweet? (Phan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora