Chapter 2

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"(Y/n), do you see your parents anywhere?" The first grade teacher was making sure everyone had a parent or guardian picking them up before he released them, and (Y/n) happened to be the last one out. It was his first year teaching, so there was no way he was going to lose a kid already. He also happened to be oddly excited seeing her dad again, his eyes scanning around every few seconds.

"Hm...," the little girl hummed as she looked around the area for any familiar faces. At last, she spotted her younger dad with his signature over-sized sweatshirt with the sleeves pulled up and jeans waving at her from the swings.

"Mr. Park, my daddy is over there; he's the one who's coming off the swings and is walking here now."

Jinyoung stared at the man in confusion. That wasn't the same man who had dropped her off this morning. But then again, that could've been her other dad.

'They're probably married, duh,' Jinyoung thought.

"Good afternoon, Mr..." Youngjae's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Park Jinyoung, but Jinyoung is fine with me."

"Well, Jinyoung hyung, since maybe you're older than me, it's nice to meet you. I'm Choi Youngjae, (Y/n)'s dad." Jinyoung's assumptions were correct; the man from earlier was definitely married to the one in front of him. They made a great couple.

"Ah, yes. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I met your husband this morning, and I think you two look good together." He felt a little disappointed when the words escaped his lips. But really, what was there to be disappointed about in the first place? Jinyoung didn't know, or if he did, he pretended not to know.

He was taken aback when loud and charming laughter burst out of the assumed younger male. He could even see his student giggling next to him. Was he wrong about what he said?

"I'm sorry if I made any assumptions. I just thought that you two were married...?" The brunette continued to laugh a bit, until they finally died down.

"I mean, I guess you're not entirely wrong. Jaebum hyung and I used to be married, but we got divorced a couple years ago."

Jinyoung stayed silent. He didn't exactly know how to respond to that. Luckily for him, Youngjae took a look at his watch and decided that it was time for them to go home. So with one final wave of goodbye, they parted.

• • •

"So, how was your first day of school?" Youngjae asked while they drove to their apartment.

Instantly, the little girl turned into a chatterbox. She talked about how the other kids were "super duper nice", how Mr. Park was a kind and funny teacher, and how for some odd reason, many of the kids there liked to sing and dance. Oh, and she definitely didn't forget about the cute boy with chubby cheeks and glasses. He was a shy one, she said, and his name was Park Jimin.

Somewhere along the way home, (Y/n) had talked herself to sleep, something her two parents found that she did often. Youngjae, seeing as his talkative child wasn't so talkative anymore, decided to not take a detour and buy her some sweets from the cafe he owned. He would probably take her some time tomorrow.

The cafe that he owned, The Choi's, was a homey little space that served all kinds of drinks, the main kind being coffee, and desserts that ranged from cakes to pies to pudding and so much more. He had opened up the joint right after finishing school, and the place was an instant boom in popularity. Now, he's able to only have to juggle the job of being the boss of his own place, and that comes to be pretty useful when raising a child.

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