Chapter 3

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The next morning, Youngjae was startled awake, yet again, by another noise. This time, it was the shrieking of his little girl.

"(Y/n)?! What's wrong?!" he had questioned frantically when he reached the living room, his heart racing rapidly since he sprinted there.

"Daddy, look! Uncle Jackson is here!!" He sighed in relief when he realized that his lovely daughter wasn't in any danger and was happily being carried by an equally excited Jackson. The blond man was squeezing her cheeks and saying, "You've grown so much!"

"These people really love to give me heart problems..." Youngjae's hand was on his heart, which was doing its best to slow down.

"Morning." A deep, husky, and a little sexy (scratch that: very sexy) voice made the poor brunette jump and his heart began to race tenfold. Maybe it was the fact that the person just scared him again, or maybe it was who it was.

"Mark hyung, good morning," he managed to reply. The latter sent him a lazy smile and walked past him.

"Uncle Jackson. Who's that?" (Y/n) had gone from being carried to being given a horse back ride. The horse looked up at her after being called, then he looked at Mark, who was grabbing some water.

"That's your Uncle Mark. He's from America and is going to live in the same apartment complex as you and your dad." When he noticed that he was the center of attention, Mark waved to the little girl. She shyly hid her face in Jackson's blond locks, but not before muttering a quiet "hi".

"She's so cute," Mark began as he walked into the living room, "Is she your little sister?"

The one question made Jackson burst into incredulous laughter and Youngjae to blush but still emit a few nervous chuckles.

"What?" Mark's confused face made seemed to make even funnier to the two adults, making him frown.

"(Y/n)'s Youngjae's daughter," Jackson explained after he was finished cackling.

"Oh," was all Mark replied with, and Youngjae noticed how his face fell when he met eyes with him, almost as if he lost hope.

"I didn't realize you were married."

"I'm not married!" The younger was quick to deny. "But she really is my daughter."

"Oh... So you have a girlfriend then?" Now, Mark wasn't one to pry, and he definitely wasn't the type to directly ask someone their relationship status, but he just really wanted to know whether the attractive male he had met only last night was already claimed by someone else or not. He hopes not.

"Divorced actually." Though the questions were some that Youngjae would've thought were a little too personal, he found himself answering to them anyway.

He wasn't even phased that he had been married before. He was just glad that Youngjae was single now at this moment in time, and the way his eyes seemed to light up the slightest was enough to prove that point. But, another thought struck Mark that troubled him quite a bit.

'Is Youngjae even gay?'

He hadn't considered the younger's sexuality until now. The fact that he had a daughter and was previously married led him to believe that Youngjae was probably straight, and that dropped his mood.

"Daddy, it's 7: 30."

Youngjae did a double take at the clock and let out a mumbled "fudge" before stating that (Y/n) had to go and get ready for school. She pouted but decided that it was best to listen to him and change into her school uniform.

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