Back to the Stage

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Chapter Four:

It is April 6. Do you know what that means? Well, if you don't, you might need a doctor because I think you have short-term memory loss.

Today is the day I get to see if I made it to the judges' houses.

Please excuse me while I throw up in my toilet.

If you hadn't already noticed, I am filled with anxiety. This is not good. What if I have a nervous breakdown while they call out the names? What if it will be like...

"Jessica Larrison. Joanna Smith. Nicole--" And then I start having a mental breakdown.






Just imagine that. It wouldn't be good at all.

I take deep breaths as I assemble my outfit. I have no idea what to tell you about it because I'm horrible at describing clothes. Well, my top is purple, my flats are black, and my skinny jeans are...skinny and denim. That's about it. It's the best I can do.

I look at the time. It's 9:44 am. Shoot, we have to be there by ten-thirty and it takes about a half hour to get there! Argh, why do I always waste so much time in the morning?!

Eventually, after fifteen minutes, I'm done. I thought I took double the time, but to my surprise, it's only 9:59. I feel really accomplished and do a little dance. My sister, Eve, walks in on me doing so and it gets awkward.

I stop dancing and she raises an eyebrow before bursting out into laughter.

After she regains composure she breathes out in between giggles, "We're leaving now--" *giggle* "--so you better--" *giggle* "--get into the car." And some more giggling.

"Okay, just--can you leave now please?"

"So you can do your little dance to the hula gods?" She does a little imitation of my dance. It did look like I put a little of hula in there. But she's doing it all wrong.

I scoff. Amateur. "Bye, Eve."

"Okay, okay, I'm going." She leaves with her little giggles still lingering in the air.

I wonder what my family thinks of me. I seriously embarrass myself in front of them on a daily basis.

I look in the mirror one last time and take a deep breath. Here we go.


When we reach the stadium where the auditions were held, I don't get out of the car.

"Come on already, Raina!" Eve exclaims. "We're gonna be so late!"

"Raina, honey, just get it over with. It'll all be over soon," my mom tells me.

"Raina, you have to get out of the car or security will come and Simon will beat the crap out of us for being late," my dad says.

I don't move. The nerves are really getting to me.

"Raina! Let's go! We have to--" Eve starts. "Hey it's Sophie and Oliver!" I turn to look to where she's pointing to. Oliver must've driven Sophie here to see me! She's such a great friend.

"Hey!" Sophie calls out with Oliver tagging behind her. "Why aren't you inside, pop star?"

"First off, I'm not a pop star. Never say that again. Second, I don't want to go inside or I'll have a nervous breakdown." I shudder at the thought.

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