Finn and Jack or Jack and Finn?

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Chapter Ten:

Ew. Rehearsals.

I hate them. But when you perform in the live shows, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Rehearsals are something that I abhor because I have to get all sweaty over and over again. Like why can't I just get sweaty once after my actual performance?


Here I am on the stage because it's my day to rehearse. I have a few background singers who have to accompany me while I practice my song on the stage: "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift, one of the only songs I actually like by her.

My version is going to be less country, though.

So I was practicing on the stage and everything when I get a sudden urge to pee.

I stop singing all of a sudden and Demi gives me an odd look. She motions for Finn to turn off the music.

Oh yeah, Finn's here too. He's backstage working with all the tech stuff. What a geek.

But he's a very attractive geek, Raina, my conscience tells me.

No, he's not! I shush my conscience while I explain to Demi, "I have to go take a wee."

"Oh, alright. Just hurry back," she tells me. "Does anyone else need to take a wee?" Demi smiles at me. Taking a wee is totally normal to say.

One of the backup singers raises her hand. I think her name is Meera? Yeah, that's her. She's really pretty, actually, with her long dark hair and not-so-boring brown eyes (unlike mine.)

"Okay, so we'll wait for Meera and Raina to come back," Demi announces.

I run as fast as I can to the restrooms. On my way, though, I see Finn walking along the halls, looking lost.

Wait, why is he lost? He should know his way around better than anyone.

What is he even doing here? He should be backstage with all the computer geeks.

Forgetting about my potty break, I shout in his general direction, "Hey, Finn! What are you doing?"

Finn doesn't look at me and keeps walking. Is he mad at me? He sure is ignoring me pretty damn well.

I call his name some more and finally he turns around pointing to himself, as if to say, Are you calling me?

"Yes, Finn, you," I say exasperated.

"Oh, I'm not Finn, I--" He gets cut off by someone saying, "Hey, babe! I finally found you."

It's that Meera girl. Finn's going out with her?

Well this is awkward.

Finn grabs Meera by the waist and kisses her cheek.

Who is this? This is not the Finn I know.

My stomach tightens a little and I feel like I'm going to puke.

Then I remember what I came here for.

"Raina? I thought you were going to take a--" Meera starts.

"Um, uh, BYE GUYS. I SHALL NOW RELEASE SOME BODILY FLUIDS," I yell, trying to break the awkward tension.

My sentence hangs in the air, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

Finn, or whatever his name is, mutters, "TMI."

Meera laughs, though, as if I told her the funniest joke in the world.

I give one awkward wave and run toward the restrooms.

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