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Chatting with FloralHyde

ZeRoyalViking : Florence
ZeRoyalViking : Florence Florence
ZeRoyalViking : Flowy!

FloralHyde : wow, you're like an attention seeking child

ZeRoyalViking : shut up!
ZeRoyalViking : Flowyyyyyy!

FloralHyde : I haven't gone anywhere, Ze
FloralHyde : you woke me up from a well deserved nap, what could be so important

ZeRoyalViking : I just wanted to know of you had any other social medias?
ZeRoyalViking : Skype may not always be the best option, especially with time zones

FloralHyde : oh
FloralHyde : yeah I have a couple? Any certain ones you'd like?

ZeRoyalViking : twitter and instagram?

FloralHyde : coming right up, Viking boy
FloralHyde : twitter - floralhydes, instagram - florencehyde :)

ZeRoyalViking : thank you!! I'll follow you now

[ZeRoyalViking followed you! ]
[zeroyalviking now follows you]

ZeRoyalViking : all done!

FloralHyde : now I have 63 followers on instagram! Yay!
FloralHyde : I legit have no friends haha

ZeRoyalViking : you have me!

FloralHyde : wait, we're friends?

ZeRoyalViking : of course! What else would we be?

FloralHyde : I'm some random person who added you on Skype literally a month ago, so I would've said acquaintances
FloralHyde : not complaining though, it's nice to talk to someone :)

ZeRoyalViking : glad to be that person
ZeRoyalViking : isn't it late for you? You really need to get some sleep

FloralHyde : hey! I'm supposed to be the nagging mum!
FloralHyde : but you're right, goodnight Ze <3

ZeRoyalViking : goodnight, flowy <3

FloralHyde is now offline

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