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"Happy one year of friendship!" The curly haired girl shouted off of the balcony before running down her friends stairs. She could hear his chuckles coming from the kitchen, a smell of bacon came flooding through the room. Florence jumped onto his back, placing her head in the dip of his neck.

"Happy anniversary." Ze laughed, putting what he was doing down and moving her over to the small breakfast island, letting her jump off of his back. "I'm making you breakfast now, then I need to go get something in town." He started, moving all of the food onto the plate. "Please don't blast Gaga again. As much of a good artist she is, I don't think the neighbours will appreciate it... again."

"I baked them a cake though!" Florence laughed, taking the plate from his hands. Ze kissed her cheek before picking up his keys and heading out the front door, leaving Florence on her own.

It was a nice house, all neat and tidy and the spare bed was the comfiest thing she had slept on. She walked over to the tv, seeing that Netflix was still on from the night before. She had become obsessed with the show Shadowhunters recently before flying over to America. She was determined to get Steven into the show before she left for Wales once again.

Four episodes in, her phone went off. A text from Ze, mentioning that he'd be back in an hour at least. Telling him not to worry, Florence locked her phone only to see a message from Craig pop up. A smile spread across her face as she saw her best friends name.

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