vii. three superb chasers

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[ giza lagarce ]

ALICIA SPINNET[ giza lagarce ]

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[ lydia graham ]

ANGELINA JOHNSON[ zoe kravitz ]

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[ zoe kravitz ]

ANGELINA JOHNSON[ zoe kravitz ]

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i love my three quidditch babes so this had to be done !! also claps for all poc + latina alicia (PLEASE MAKE LATINA ALICIA MORE OF A THING THANKS)

and in case you want to say 'but gee, lydia graham is white !!!111!!!!11!!!!' i've done my research, she is in fact half english and half thai, never fear.

this will probably be my last hp fancast, at least for a while, simply because i've already done so many. comment what you want to see me fancast next !!

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