vii. voltron: legendary defender

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[ choi siwan ]

KEITH[ bang sung joon ]

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[ bang sung joon ]

KEITH[ bang sung joon ]

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[ corey maison ]

LANCE[ adam irigoyan ]

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[ adam irigoyan ]

HUNK[  jacob batalon ]

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[ jacob batalon ]

PRINCESS ALLURA[ nyane lebajoa ][ gif credits to @lemvnade ]

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[ nyane lebajoa ]
[ gif credits to @lemvnade ]

PRINCESS ALLURA[ nyane lebajoa ][ gif credits to @lemvnade ]

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((new cover/account theme! i like it better.))

hello everybody! this was requested a couple times, and while i've only ever watched like one episode of this show (however i've admittedly followed it a lot on tumblr. i should probably get around to watching it.) i hope i did it justice!

corey maison is pidge bc i really wanted a young trans girl to represent her. also i looked up other fancasts for inspiration and a general idea of the characters and people seemed to forget that pidge is 14??? like there were people out there casting her as a grown ass adult like ... wtf

also,,, adam irigoyen is cuban (like lance!)

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