That Poor Alarm Clock

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I refexively slap my hand over my alarm clock, effectively stopping is from beeping a fourth time.  Godess, I hate that alarm clock. I peel my eyelids open, glancing around at my surroundings.  Purple walls, check, white ceiling, check, bathroom door, check, smashed alarm clock, check. Wait what?!... Ugh, I flop back down on my bed, bright side, I don't have to wake up to that obnoxious beeping anymore.  

I peel my gray comforter off, walk towards the windows, and flinch as I open the blinds, letting the morning sunlight poor through. I drag myself into my bathroom.  I flip the lights on and groan as I see my matted brown curly hair.  

"Ew..." I say as I see how pale and oily my face is this particular morning.  

I hop in the shower and shiver as the warm water hits my cool skin.  Today is the first day back since summer break and my first full year since coming to the Jackson pack.  

'And our birthday.  Maybe we will meet our mate today.' My wolf purrs. 

'We don't want a mate remember. He would just inflict on our plans of ruining the Dark Pack.' I scold.  

'Fine, but if we see him, I can not be held accountable for our actions.' She reasons.

'Deal.' I say, as I turn the water off and wrap a towel around me, searching for an outfit in my drawers.

"Yo, baby!" I hear a voice call up.  I wander to the windows once again, this time seeing three people.  One I recognize as the Beta, Jason. The b*tch from school, Kylie.  I hate to be stereotypical, but she is a total blond.  She terrorizes the halls, yet has every guy falling for her. The last girl is Isabelle, she is tall, skinny, and has bright red hair.  

"Get lost Jason!" I yell back down to him as I close my curtains, making sure the morning light can still filter into my room.  I put a black bra on, underwear, a gray tank top, with three little buttons on the front, and some blue jean shorts.  I comb out my hair, grab my backpack and my phone, run to the kitchen where I open a cabinet and grab a cereal bar to eat on the bus. I lace up my black converse, and I'm out the door.  Breathing in the fresh morning air as I walk to my bus stop.  

As I reach my bus stop a certain red head pulls me away from her boyfriend.  

"You okay?" Isabelle asks concern filling her brown eyes.  

I look at my best friend, glace at her boyfriend, and answer, "You need to keep him on a tighter leash."

Izzy just laughs at my response as the bus pulls up and we board together. We nod to Ms. Tessa, the bus driver, before making our way to the very back of the bus.  I sit down expecting to find Izzy sitting with her boyfriend, she instead plops herself down next to me.

"Isabelle, babe, I'm over here," The beta states, his voice oozing with his ego.

"I know. And I'm over here. Next to my best friend," I glance out the window watching the trees and houses go by, trying to give them some privacy.

"You should really come sit with me," He pats the other half of the seat. 

"You should really think about what you are doing before you cat called at my best friend!" She retorts crossing her arms over her chest, and sticking her nose high in the air.  They have that kind of relationship.  They will fight and argue, then always make up again, well more like make out again.  

"So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" She squeals a huge smile taking over her face. I glance around nervously, hoping she didn't attract any attention, which she didn't thank god.

"Would you keep it down? I'm trying not to attract attention this year," I say, a small smile creeping onto my face. 

The bus slows to a stop, pulling in the back to the parking lot, letting us trek all the way across to get into the somewhat air conditioned building.  The bus empties out, as I'm on the last step. 

Ms. Tessa whispers, "Happy Birthday, Whitney."

I smile warmly at her before replying, "Thank you." 

I step off the bus at last.  I make it a few steps before Sarah, our other best friend, catches up with Izzy and me.  Her long, black, pin straight hair swinging behind her.

"So you... today is your birthday," Sarah begins. 

"No, really?" I say in fake astonishment. "You say that a tiny bit louder and the whole world will know."

"Izzy and I were thinking," She continues completely ignoring my comment.  

"We are going to have you over to the pack house tonight!" They finish in perfect unison.

"No can do," I shake my head from side to side.

"Why ever not?" Izzy opposes.

"I don't know the Alpha." I protest.

"What if I told you that he was going on a date tonight with Kylie?" Sarah counters.

"I'd say that I would consider it." 

"Yay!" Izzy squealed, jumping a bit. "This is going to be so much fun!" 

"We'll be right back," Sarah said as she pulled Izzy behind her, into the building as I slow down my pace, finally getting a breath of air.  I walk a few more steps, as I catch this amazing scent.  Like nothing I've ever smelt before in my life.  Like pine trees and mint. 

'MATE!' My wolf yips with excitement.

 I stop in the middle of the road, as I breathe in the air trying to detect which direction the scent is coming from. 

I'm so distracted by the indescribable scent that I didn't even notice when the bell rang.  I run into the building, not bothering to stop at my locker, getting to Homeroom as fast as possible.  I run through the maze of halls, twisting and turning until I get to my Homeroom.

"Whitney Dark?" The teacher asks, as he takes attendance.

"Here," I say, as I sit next to Izzy, who is sitting across from Jason.

I zone out a bit until I hear the teacher call out, "Alpha James Woodlock?"

I freeze as the amazing, glorious, indescribable scent filters into my nostrils.  

"Here," a deep husky voice said as he walks over and sits next to Jason, across from me.

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