The Alpha's Dungeon... I mean office

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He is sitting there, staring at me. As Jason and Isabelle stare lovingly into each other's eyes, James sits there. He's staring, searching my eyes. The clock ticks, on and on.

"Mate..." He mumbles, absolutely transfixed with my eyes.

"Hey, alpha... Do you smell that?" Inquires a sophomore, we happen to have mixed homerooms here at Woodlock High. James takes a dramatic deep sniff in my direction, his eyes light up, then reels back away from me.  Probably remembering that he's the Alpha, he doesn't have time for a rogue.  Especially one that is h*ll bent on destroying a pack that the Woodlock pack has an alliance with.

"I sure do smell it Ryland. I mean just look at her," Everyone silences at this point, waiting for what their Alpha has to say. "You can smell her a mile away." He gets up, as does his posse including Kylie, Jason, Ryland, and some other kids I don't recognize. They stop as James looks back at me and says, "Go home little rogue, you are not wanted here." With that James walks out of the classroom, and disappears down the hallway. His posse follows in suit. 

My wolf growls at being called little.  I'm not little okay, I'm pretty short, but I bet I could beat him in a fight any day. I get up after I receive a hug from Izzy, determined not to let him get to me. I walk the halls until I arrive at my first period class, Calculus. I enter the room as I hear a voice whisper right behind me.

"Wow, Rogue. Who knew we'd have the first class together?" A random girl says, guess news travels fast.

The period drags on, with everyone not so subtly whispering about me to their friends.

When suddenly a voice croaked over the school speakers, "Whitney Dark, please head to the Alpha's liar... um, office." Everyone turns their scrutinizing looks in my direction. I however gather my stuff and walk out the door, not even bothering to ask permission. As I walk down the halls I stand in front of a door, I'm stuck in thought, not really paying attention to my surroundings. I reach for a handle, it's locked. Nothing in this school is ever locked. Well, except for when the principle is having, 'business meetings' with his secretary. I shake at the thought.

"Well look what we have here... a rogue," I'd know that voice anywhere. I turn around to face Jason, the Beta, stepping out of the shadows.

"Where's James?" I ask, not bothering to beat around the bush.

"How'd you get here rogue?" One of the others asks, knowing that I can't fight my way out of this without shifting, they corner me, eight against one.

"Where is James?"

"I bet you can't even shift," Jason relents.

"And I bet," I begin, my anger levels rising. "That you wouldn't last with talking to me like that if I could shift."

"So you can't shift,"He takes a step forward, I stick my ground not backing down.

"Maybe, I can... and that stupid wolf nose of yours just can't pick up on my scent," I spit at him, as he takes another step forward, getting in my face now. Little does he know that the situation I described, is actually the truth, he can't pick up on my scent because I haven't shifted for three years.

"Can you shift or not?!" A voice booms down the hallway, an Alpha, as he walks towards me, though stopping a few feet away. Jason backs away from me, respecting he is no longer of the highest authority.

I smirk, 'We are going to have fun with this,' my wolf laughs in agreement.

"I don't know, can I shift James?" I retort, smirking the whole time. James flinches, obviously not used to being called his first name without his title.

Jason surges forward, almost grabbing my neck before he gets held back by the alpha.

James puts his hands in his pockets, slowly walking towards me, before we are almost an exact foot apart. "Do you know who you are talking to?" He asks me.

"Yes, I'm talking to someone who doesn't give a crap about me... Based on what you pulled in homeroom, I'm going to guess that you had Daddy issues.  Am I right?"

Fear flashes in his eyes for a brief moment before it's gone.  My wolf is feeling attacked, but she also wants us to be submissive to the man, which is so not happening. I take a small step closer, showing that he doesn't scare me even though he towers over my 5'5" frame with his tall, muscly 6'3" frame. Almost a foot taller than me, he leans down to whisper in my ear, "I'm your Alpha, you better learn some respect."

I take a deep breath, trying not to get upset, because when you get upset your wolf scent is let out. 'Let me at him! Nobody can talk to us like that!' My wolf growls. Ignoring her I take a small step back, not liking the small space between us.

"Scared?" He taunts as he whispers right next to my ear again, taking another step towards me.

"First, you are not my Alpha. Second, get lost before I punch you in the gut." I seethe, my teeth clenching in anger.

"I don't think you could punch me in the gut, rogue."

I take a step closer, oh boy is he in for it now, "Just so you know, it's dangerous to be this close to me."

"Why hiding something?" He says, his voice low and husky, as he finally pushes me against a wall, placing his hands of either side of my head, preventing my sudden movement.

"I'm hiding a lot of things," My voice lowers, into a growl.

'Please don't come out right now, we need to handle this in our human form.' I plead with my wolf. I can feel her almost to her breaking point, begging for us to shift so she can show this loser who is boss. Instead I keep silent waiting for something to happen.

James leans into me really close, I can feel his hot breath against my ear as he presses me to the wall, out of the corner of my eye, I see Jason shooing people away telling them to get to class. Guess he doesn't want his pack to see the alpha get his butt kicked. James is so close he could kill me, "What kind of..." he breaks off mid-sentence, still holding me to the wall, he leans towards my hair that I left down this morning and takes a deep whiff.

He then pulls back the slightest bit, staring into my eyes as he growls, "Mate..." 

With that he runs down the hall, a few moments pass before I see him shift, through a window, heading towards the woods.

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