Part 19

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*Several months later*


I'm now at the end of my pregnancy and tbh i'm kinda scared... i'm soon about to push out a baby out of my vajayjay and be a momma!

Cameron is so proud and doesn't get how i can still walk what i rather don't call it bc i can happily join the movie Happy Feet but that on the other side

We at 3 months got to know it is gonna be a boy and we already picked out a name 'Luca James Dallas' we both really liked that name so it immediately felt right

My penguin sister came down the stairs being out of breath looking at me "stairs even feel like a marathon" she said catching her breath, I laughed soft watching her struggle

"Where is yo man?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows "putting down the last things in the nursery, we this morning both packed my bag in case it happens any moment" i said smiling "well mine is sleeping" she said "but i packed my bag alone, good thing" she laughed soft "everything is ready for Luca and Jackson to come" i added

"Idk if i'm ready to give birth yet... u better go first" she said nervous

And as she said that i felt something wet run across my thigh and i immediately look up with big eyes

"Ur water broke... OML" she smirked, ik i need to calm down and don't panic, i have to wait till the cramps kick in every 5 minutes

"U go take a shower, i tell Cam" she said, i nodded and went upstairs kinda breathing in and out when a pain rushes through me, i get into the shower rubbing my belly while calmly breathing


O. My. God... it's happening! I am so excited, i pull out my phone and text Cameron

"U better come over here, ur girl is taking a shower but her water broke so ur gonna be a daddy within a few hours.(:"


After a few minutes i heard the door opening "I really wanna help i just kinda can't because i can barely do anything myself" i said with a chuckle "it's okay" he said with a smile

He took all Kim her stuff for her to wear to the hospital

After a few minutes Kim came downstairs all dressed and ready to go

"Kim and i leave to the hospital, we see u and Matt there" Cameron said leaving with Kim

I ran upstairs well for as far as u can call it running, i got into my room seeing Matt getting dressed "come we going to the hospital for Kim and Cameron" i said excited

He took my hand and we also left

*we skipping the birth part bc i was way too young at my own to remember what happened💁🏽*


I am holding my beautiful son Luca, he is so little, i might have lost a tear or two bc god it is emotional seeing a little person made from u and the person u love.. it's so wonderful


I'm exhausted but seeing Cam with Luca makes my heart melt and keeps me going


Luca is a beautiful baby boy, looks atm so much like his dad which is wonderful

Kim and Luca both have to stay a bit longer for some check ups, Cameron ofc stays with them, he said we should go home take some rest bc it's like 12 am and yet i am still pregnant

Matt and i did as we got told, got to bed and fell asleep

Until i woke up from a sharp pain in my stomach, it was killing me so i sat up holding my stomach and trying to breathe with the pains

It did work just not enough to ignore it and go back to bed, i stood up and got to my shower, i took off my night clothes and stepped in, the sharp pain again hitting in me as i saw Matt sleepily walk into the bathroom but his eyes widen seeing me

He started rushing everything while getting me some clothes to wear as i laughed soft at how cute he acted

I got out supporting my back as i got dressed and we got in the car

Matt was holding my hand and breathed with my pains

*again we skip this shit bc same reason as before😂💁🏽*


Jackson Jonathan Espinosa just came into my world and tbh, i can't feel any better

I wipe away any tears as Kim walks in following by Luca in Cameron his arms

"He's beautiful" Cameron said looking at Jackson

"Thanks" i said sniffing while pecking Jackson his forehead


So againnnn i'm gonna skip till their both like 4 years bc in that mean time I don't really know anything but i have plans so excuse me🙂

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