Cracked Streets

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Aberdeen, WA. 1983

I wasn't down for this. I SO wasn't down for this. 

I didn't know anyone in this shitty town, I had no one to get booze or drugs from, at least I could get smokes but how is that gonna help me get fucked up? Right.. 

I slipped on my ripped black skinny jeans, black v-neck shirt, and a swamp green suede jacket. My caramel brown hair looked rough, and the bags under my eyes brought out my maroon eye shadow, I never went for the look 'hey i'm an intoxicated druggie' but even when I was sober, I somehow managed to. I sighed and tied my converse before I grabbed my pack of smokes and my joint. 

As I walked down the stairs my father, thankfully, was passed out on the couch with a bottle of whiskey next to him on the floor. I unscrewed the cap and took a swig quietly before I set it down and walked out of the door. As I walked down the rainy streets, the morning sky was grey and the air was fresh. I breathed in and tasted the burning sensation of the alcohol still on my throat. I lit a cigarette and headed towards a bridge that caught my eye. 

I ditched my cig and pulled out the joint. Making sure nobody was around, I sparked up and took long drags. "Shit, why am I rushing this? Who gives a fuck if i'm late man" I said to myself, taking another hit. I heard voices and made sure I was where no one could see me. 

"Man, you smell that Jason?" I heard a voice say, I heard sniffing noises and tried not to snort.

He sounded like a hungry stoner, and not food hungry, pot hungry. "Yeah man, smells good!" Said another voice. 

They came into my view and were looking around, finally I became visible. 

"Ahoy there!" The brown haired one said, I smirked at his choice of words. "Howdy" I replied.

I hopped up from my spot, once I received good vibes from them and approached the two dudes. "So you two cats part take in the use of marijuana?" I grinned. 

The both answered 'yeah', although the ginger-ish headed one asked, "you offering?" 

"Maybe," I replied "but don't you two have to be going to school in a minute?" I joked. 

"Well of course, but why not go somewhere you hate, happy? There's no harm being late as long as you're having a good time dude" said the brunette again.

I laughed, "you're absolutely right man." I lit the joint again and passed it to the ginger-ish guy. 

"Much thanks stoner lady, I'm Jason, this is Krist" said the ginger-ish guy.

I nodded, "Beverly, or Lee." Jason passed the joint to Krist as they seemed to like my name. We talked for a while, they asked me what kind of music i'm into. I told them that I played guitar and sang, wrote songs, but rarely in front of anyone. That I liked everything rock n' roll, from the 60's-80's, it was 1983 so basically everything from past to present. They asked me if that included grunge/punk rock, of course I said hell yeah. I liked the Dead Milkmen, Black Flag, etc. And by the time the joint was killed they said I was a down ass chick.

"Ya wanna walk to hell, erm I mean school with us?" Krist asked, I shook my head. "Nah man, I'll chill here for a bit, catch you guys later man" I replied. 

We said goodbye and parted ways, I laughed when Jason fell over a rock coming out from under the bridge. "Later bridge trolls!" I shouted laughing, they started cackling like hyenas. I shook my head, I was pretty burnt, I decided I was going to smoke a cig and then walk up the hill to school. 


I walked well stumbled into school and checked myself in. "Uh, i'm the new student, Beverly Daniels" I stated to the front desk lady. She eyed me from the top of her glasses.

"And your reason for being late miss Daniels?" She questioned. 

I yawned and answered with, "I woke up late ma'am and I had to walk, so if I could get my schedule that would be great" I smiled. 

She huffed and handed it to me, I walked off into the halls of hell. Getting suspicious stares from preppy ass students.


I walked into my second period, about 10 minutes late. 'ART' class.

I stepped in and all eyes were on me, I hated people staring but fuck 'em. For a split second my olive green eyes met with someones piercing blue ones. The eye-contact was interrupted by a duet of "LEEEEE" and "BEVERLYYY" being yelled at me and Krist and Jason ran towards me. 

"Hola fellow bridge trolls" I stated smirking, before more words could be exchanged, we were rudely interrupted by the teacher. 

    "Miss Daniels would you care explaining why you are late? As for you two, Mr. Novaselic and Mr. Everman, you need to get back to your seats." The dudes sighed and walked back to their seats. 

I groaned obnoxiously, "man, I already played 21 questions with the front desk lady, where do I sit?" 

The teacher rolled his eyes and pointed towards Krist and Jason. I chuckled and slightly stumbled towards the table. I sat down between Krist and some blonde dude who I didn't acknowledge at all. I sighed and slammed my head down on the desk. 

"Ow that looked like it hurt wee wee" said Jason in a baby voice. 

I didn't move my forehead from the desk, but I placed my hand behind his head and slammed his head down on the desk. "OW MAN, what the fuck?"

"Hurts don't it, fucker" I remarked, I was so tired I was not in the mood for this school bullshit.

The blonde guy beside me let out a laugh, I sat up and looked at him, he was the one who belonged to the piercing blue eyes. "You guys familiar with giggles?" I asked Kris and Jas.

"Yeah man! Shit we totally forgot to tell you about Kurt, it isn't the group without Kurt dude" said Krist. 

"So you're the famous Beverly that got these two dumbasses stoned off their ass this morning" Kurt confirmed. 

I smirked and stuck my hand out, "why yes that'd be I Mr. Cobain" I stated looking at his paper. 

The corners of his lips twitched with a smile as he shook my hand and gazed into my eyes, almost in a searching way.

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