{2} "You're very arrogant."

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Chapter 2

SHE DIDN'T TAKE it too lightly that I fell asleep.

Mrs. Hale was strict. She was a great person to talk to, but as a teacher, she wasn't lenient.

That's why, in my situation, it probably wasn't a smart idea to fall asleep in her class.

Because, well...now I was stuck in detention.

The teacher assigned to hold after school detention stood at the front of the room explaining the rules. It was the usual stuff.

"No phones, no fights, no leaving, no talking."

Even though I was some sort of bad boy at my last school, I kept up some of that rep here, but not much. Then again I seemed to be in detention a lot.

I couldn't be like how I used to be now because of Lizzie and Eli.

I didn't miss most of all the things I had done before them. The only things I kept up with were the cold glares, the 'don't mess with me' aura, the occasional class skipping and disobeying the rules.

Okay, it was maybe a lot. But it wasn't even close to half of the stuff I used to do. This wasn't bad, but not as much as I did.

Not as often as you did three years ago, though.

You weren't like who you were three years ago.

You were a mess three years ago.

Most of the kids in here were a few jocks, preppy barbies, and a weird kid no one ever talked to. Choosing to ignore them like always, I sat near the far right back corner of the room, away from the jocks and cheerleaders on the left, and the kid in the front.

At the end of 8th period, I texted Emma that she had to pick up the twins for me. She wasn't happy because she had to miss practice, but the coach didn't mind that much considering Emma was the Captain of the volleyball team.

Before we moved here, Emma was always involved with sports, mostly volleyball. When we came here to tour the school, she tried out and made Captain on the Varsity squad. Something rare for a Freshman, but she was insanely good.

Emma met me at her locker and I had given her the keys to the car, thanking her for getting the twins. And apologizing for making her come back in an hour to get me. She wasn't happy, but there was nothing she could do.

It was only fifteen minutes into detention when the door flung open. In walked a girl I'd never seen before. She was short, with black hair covering the left side of her face and enticing brown eyes. Her face was scrunched up in what looked like anger.

The girl stomped up to the teacher with such grace and shoved a detention slip into his open left palm. He waved her off and told her to sit down.

I mentally cursed when I saw her head in my direction, wishing she would sit up front where the weird kid was. Then again, I wouldn't want to either. She came up next to me and sat down in the seat to my left. I kept my head forward, sneaking a few glances here and there.

The girl sighed and crossed her arms after setting her bag down. I'm guessing she wasn't all the happy to be here either. Well, who would.

The teacher told us he was leaving and that he should be back in five minutes. Something about grabbing paperwork from the office.

After a few minutes, she turned in my direction. I didn't look at her, but after a few seconds of staring, I asked, "Like what you see?"

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