Being Followed

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Chapter Eighteen

Song of the chapter: Hourglass - Zedd feat. LIZ

Days left: 143

The one thing that I never really understood was love.

Not like puppy love, but a mature, risky, romantic love. The kind that makes you want to hold onto that relationship, that person. And you want to keep fighting for your love...

"Turn down for what?"

The big blanket was draped over my head as Turn Down For What was blasting through the speakers which Justin's phone was connected to.

The clatter of his/my can of hair spray came from the bathroom and that was when I had found enough energy to get myself out of the cozy bed and to the cold tiled bathroom.

I leaned against the door frame, my arms folded. Justin brushed his hair into a quiff and while doing so, sprayed a little bit of hair spray.

I raised my eyebrow and cleared my throat to get his attention.

"What's your problem ?" I asked.

"What problem ?"

"You woke me up."

"Sorry, babe."

Justin set the can down and walked over to me, cupping my cheeks in his warm hands. Placing a delicate kiss on my forehead, he loosely hung his arms around my hips and smiled.

"Go back to sleep then."

"You're just gonna make more noises."

"No. Promise I won't."

"You promise so many things but you always break the stupid promises like what the heck."

He chuckled and pulled a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His smile still remained on his face while my lips formed a thin line.

"Just go to bed again. I'll be in there in like a few minutes."

I nodded and went back to the bedroom which now had a faint scent of smoke and weed with a mix of cologne.

I pulled the blanket up to my nose to block out some of the smell but the blanket seemed to have caught the scent too.

While sighing, Justin jumped onto the bed and laid next to me, both of his hands under his head. He stared up at the ceiling, supposedly in deep thought.

I looked at him, somewhat curious about what he was thinking about but what he's thinking about should be his business, not mine.

Wrapping my arm around his torso, I could feel his hard stomach against my arm. He still paid no attention whatsoever.

I groaned and sat on him, later laying down on top of him, my arms draped on both sides of his body. He then removed his hands from under his head and put them on the small of my back. I smiled at looked at him, leaving a soft kiss on his left cheek.

"You have very soft lips, Brooklyn," he said, a chuckle following his short sentence.

"You can thank the inventors of lip balm. They've helped so much."

He laughed and put his right index finger under my chin to lift my head up a bit and pressed his lips to mine gently, pulling away after ten seconds.

I pouted but soon realized why he had pulled himself away: Ryan and Chaz were at the door.

I stared at them, a disgusted look on their faces.

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