The Devil

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Chapter Twenty

Song of the chapter: Demons - Imagine Dragons

Days Left: 93

The pouring rain hit the empty streets as I turned the corner of Main Street and parked in front of the Stratford Police Station.
I turned off the engine and took the keys out, getting out of the car and allowing the cold droplets of water to hit my jacket. I quickly paced inside of the station and looked around, trying to spot the officer that I had spoken to last night over the phone.

Once I spotted him, I went up to him and tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. He turned and smiled at me.

"You must be Brooklyn ! It's nice to see you."

"You too, Officer Garrett."

"Here, sit down at my desk and we can talk."

He led me to a small desk that had two seats opposite of each other.
I sat down in one and he sat down in the other, folding his hands on the desk.

"You wanted to speak about?"

I pulled out the recent notes that I have been receiving and handed them over to him.


He nodded and read them to himself, looking up at me after.

"What about them ?"

"What about them ? Well, I have some creep leaving these notes at my house and it's scaring me. And I know who it is too. The guy's been following me nonstop."

"Do you happen to know the guy's name ?"

"Matthew Leerman."

"I've heard about him. He used to be in the same gang as that Bieber kid."

"That Bieber kid happens to be my... boyfriend."

He raised his eyebrows at my response, obviously in disbelief, but then looks at me with a straight face.

"He's trouble."

"He's been nice to me."

"Because you're his girlfriend, sweetheart. He's most wanted and now that they have him, they're not gonna let him go."

"They have to let him go sometime don't they? They can't just keep him forever. That's ridiculous."

"Somewhat. But anyway, Matthew used to be in the same gang as Bieber. They would go around setting bombs off, stealing, killing, hijacking, doing drugs. One night, two cops saw Bieber lashing out on Leerman, beating him with metal pipes and poles that were found in the alley. No one knows why. The case is unknown. After that, Leerman made his own gang and was probably doing the same as Bieber back then."

"So why are you after Justin and not Matthew ?"

"Sweetie, Matthew was reported dead a year ago."

"That's impossible. He's been stalking me. He's been leaving these notes. He abducted me, beat me while he had me locked up in a room."

"No one's seen him since, sweetheart. I don't know what's-"

"Trust me, Officer Garrett. He's alive and breathing."


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