The Boys Come Back

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I don't own H2O: Just Add Water or The Originals. They all belong to their respective creators.

The next morning, the girls woke up to Hope crying. "I'll get her," Hayley groans standing up and going to Hope's crib before picking her up and rocking her.

"So," Rebekah says once Hope calms down, "now that we're all awake, what should we do today?"

"Well, do you remember Will, Lewis and Zane?" Bella asks.

"Yeah," Hayley says, "What about them?"

"Wait, who's Will?" Rebekah asks.

"Will is Bella's boyfriend," Rikki answers, "and they were going to meet us here today. And I think Ash was coming to but I'm not sure." At Bella's questioning glance, Rikki continued, "Ash is Emma's ex boyfriend." Bella nods in understanding.

Rebekah and Hayley look shocked, "Ash is coming?" Hayley said.

"When did you get Ash's number?" Rebekah asks at the same time as Hayley.

"Yeah, I bumped into him a while ago and we exchanged numbers," Rikki answered Rebekah's question first before answering Hayley's, "and he said he was coming but didn't say when."

"Oh..." Hayley answered, "when are they supposed to come?"

Bella looks at her phone, it read 10:00 am, "In an hour. We were going to pick them up so if you two want to pick them  up with us..." She trails off.

"Well I should stay here and take care of Hope," Hayley answers, "but R-Emma would love to come with you guys." Hayley smirks at Rebekah's displeased face.

"Yeah," Rebekah fakes a smile, "I would love to come to meet this Will guy."

"Great!" Bella says, "We should leave in 30 minutes so we should all get dressed."


30 minutes later, everyone in the apartment was dressed and had eaten. Rebekah, Rikki and Bella left the apartment, with Rebekah glaring at the vampire-werewolf hybrid and certain hybrid laughing.


10 minutes later, Rebekah, Rikki, and Bella were at the airport waiting for Will, Zane, Lewis and probably Ash. After a few minutes of looking, Rebekah asks, "Is that them?" While pointing to Will, Zane, Lewis, and Ash.

"Yup," Rikki replies before shouting, "ZANE! LEWIS! WILL! ASH!" The boys look over before walking towards the girls.

"Hey Rikki," Zane says smiling.

"Zane," Rikki says back while kissing her boyfriend's cheek. Emma clears her throat. "Oh, right, Will this is Emma, a friend of Cleo and I, plus another mermaid," Will smiles at Rebekah while Rebekah fakes a smile. "And Bella this is Ash, Emma's ex. Ash, Bella's a mermaid." They say hello to each other.

"Geez Rikki," Rebekah says rolling her eyes, "can you be any more obvious?"

Rikki rolls her eyes, "We should probably get back to the apartment."

On their way to the apartment, they start learning more about each other. But they didn't tell the boys that Cleo's at the apartment waiting for them since they wanted to surprise them.

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