Chapter 6 - Only When I'm Breathing

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Slaves of the Night

Chapter 6: Only When I'm Breathing

   Some would say I was living out a fairy tale; so many girls strived for what I had. I was living well off in a gigantic house with extravagant accommodations, with a pack of werewolves, and most of them weren’t harsh on the eyes either. But right now I could’ve disagreed greatly, because despite all that I was hurting.

  The television was on but I wasn’t watching it. I was perched on the couch, with my legs swung above me and my head hanging upside down letting my hair tumble to the floor. Nothing made time go slower than being able to hear every single tick of the grandfather clock down the hall, or the fact that whatever show I was attempting to engage in, everything seemed to be moving at half pace. But I wasn’t in pain because of boredom, even though having something to do would have helped.

  It was my heart that was aching.

  Roughly, a week had passed since the full moon, and since then I had been sentenced to house arrest because of my injured leg. It wasn’t that bad really; Rayne had only bit me hard enough to stall me from the frenzy I had been in. If his intentions would have been to harm me, I wouldn’t be able to walk right now. This was merely a scratch. A scratch that would scar after it would be totally healed, but a scratch no less. Earlier today I had tried to demonstrate how I could walk, run, dance, or whatever perfectly fine, but Rayne would hear none of it. He hardly would look me in the eye, and during the brief seconds that I would see his eyes they would be filled with regret.

  I had stopped trying to convince him that it wasn’t his fault, but I swear it was times like these that I saw how truly a like Tristan and his older brother were; both determined to be stubborn to their last dying breath. But at breakfast I had almost tackled Rayne to prove that I was one-hundred percent fine, when his phone had gone off in his office. Instantly my fight died out of me as I heard the ringing, before I was tight on Rayne’s heels as he went to answer it.

  It didn’t take a genius to know that it was most likely Tristan calling with some news, what with most of the male shifters in the pack gone with him it left very few calls of other importance filing in. Rayne quickly picked up the phone and answered, “One moment,”

  Then quickly he commenced booting me out of the office. “What, I have every right to talk to him!” I yelled in outrage, trying to fight my way back into the room now that he had taken me by surprise enough to push me out into the hallway.

  The look he used on me was nothing short of an adult regarding a little kid, “This isn’t something you need to be in on,”

  I snarled as the door shut, cracking my fist against the wood. Back at square one, I was being treated like some kid who didn’t know what in the world I was getting myself into. “You can’t do this!” I screamed kicking the door again, but it was no use, I was locked out.

  All that had lead to me being where I was now, nurturing a slightly bruised knuckle and wanting to whimper at the throb in my heart that was caused by knowing I had come so close to being able to hear Tristan’s voice. They say there are some pains you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy, and it was true. But at this point I wished for assurance that Tristan was feeling like I was so he’d come to realize how stupid he was for leaving and high tail it back home.

  They all thought I was some ignorant kid that didn’t know left from right in this new world. All their complicated explanations about the physics of a wolf and the society of our packs were dumbed down so I’d get it. What they failed to realize was I was not a kid anymore, I was eighteen, and far from stupid. If it weren’t for last fall I could be planning to go be a doctor somewhere and preparing my acceptance into pre-med. Or saying yes to the offer I got for Graphic Arts in another great college. Yes, maybe I wasn’t as well-rounded in the werewolf community as either of them, but my guess is they didn’t get the culture shock that I did.

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