Saved by Severus//Draco

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 Being a Death Eater sucks. If I had the chance to go back in time to slap my father in the face for making me take the mark, I would. At first, I wanted to serve the Dark Lord. But now, I hate knowing that I have to torture someone. I hate that I have to wake up to the mudbloods screaming in the cellars. I hate that my left arm burns sometimes. I hate the Dark Lord.

I wish I could leave. Take this damn mark off my arm. Unfortunately, I cant. My father expects me to be like him, follow the Dark Lord, only answer to him. Severus is the only person who understands me. Severus Snape is my godfather, who is the biggest father figure to me then my own bloody dad. He is the only man I trust to talk to. Severus isn't really a Death Eater. A double agent that is. He tells Dumbledore information about all our Death Eater meetings so he is always prepared. He sacrifices so much and he was about to sacrifice some more

"Draco, meet me outside in the hallway to the right of your room." Snape drawled while standing outside my bedroom door.


I look around to make sure no ones coming and I sneak outside to the hallway.

"Yes Sevvie?" I said while trying not to laugh at the old nickname for Sev.

"Don't call me that again if you wish to see freedom," I looked at him like he just said he kissed the Dark Lord. "so as I was saying, I found a way for you to leave this dreadful house. You just might like the idea." Snape said.

"What's the plan? Ill do anything!"


"Scratch what I said before!! I'm not doing that! Its bloody insane!" I yelled. He was barking mad. His plan was terrible. He was going to turn me into a ferret, drop me off at a pet store and hope for a friendly wizard or muggle to find me. Just how I want to live my life. Still, I couldn't become a ferret again. In 4th year I was about to hex Harry Potter, the biggest prat in England, with his back turned until the arsehole,  Mad-Eye Moody, turned me into a ferret for what I almost did.

"Well, you can stay a Death Eater, find your own way out, or do this. Its for your own good." Severus snapped. I though about it. My good friends, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson live by a pet shop in Surry so I could ask him if he could leave me there but the humiliation. Well, its either live or die so Ill do it. Dear Merlin this is going to suck.

"Fine. I'm in but under one condition."


"Good afternoon ma'am," Snape said kindly as he could to the pet store lady, "I found this white ferret outside I was wondering if you could take him in. I would hate to see him die."

Merlin's boxers. This is terrible. But at least I'm free from the Dark Lord.

"Brilliant! If you don't mind, to the left in the back is the ferret cage, please put him in there for me?" Severus nodded and walked to the back. He looked me in the eye and said,

"Good luck Draco. I hope Zabini or Parkinson come to get you soon. Better be off. Remember, you will always be like a son to me." He placed me gently in the cage, looked at me with one last mask of concern before walking out without a second glance.

Bye Severus, Ill miss you.


Yay! Chapter 1 is done for my first story! Thx for reading comment plz and tell me what u think. I wont be offended!

Ill update ASAP (I have many tests coming up :( )

-Gianna ;)

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